Data Presentation
The DevExpress VCL Vertical & Property Grid Control gives you and your end-users the ability to organize information and render it on screen in the most efficient way possible.
Banded Layout
Display data one record at a time.
Banded Layout
When using the Banded Layout, our VCL Vertical Grid displays a single record (or portions thereof) within its container. Users can navigate the records in the underlying dataset via the Control's horizontal scroll bar. If there are more fields than can fit into the control's area, records are arranged into columns (Bands).
Organize data into logical groups.
Category Rows are a great way to organize information within the Vertical Grid. By using Categories, you can arrange rows into individual groups for improved readability and more efficient data entry. End-users can expand/collapse Category Rows as needed. Should your application require runtime customization, you can allow users to create new Categories and re-arrange the Vertical Grid's Category layout as needed.
Object Inspector
Display object properties at runtim.
Object Inspector
When used, our VCL Vertical Grid allows you to display and modify the properties of any object on your form at runtime. The Control includes a "Default Editors Collection" option, which forces the Control to use custom editors to represent individual object values (for instance, a CheckEdit is used to display Boolean values).
Tree Display Mode
Display rows hierarchically.
Tree Display Mode
Because individual Rows within the Vertical Grid can hold a collection of child rows, you can easily represent data within the Control using a tree-like UI metaphor where parent rows can be expanded/collapsed in order to display/hide associated child rows.
Multi-Record Layout
Create a multi-record inverted grid layout.
Multi-Record Layout
In Multi-Record mode, the Vertical Grid displays and arranges records vertically from left to right with a single header (caption) column. A horizontal scroll bar allows you to scroll the contents of your dataset. End-users can resize the width of individual rows by dragging the right border of the leftmost visible record.
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Data Editing and Filtering
Dozens of Data Editor types can be embedded into individual cells. Advanced data editing options include: Input Validation and Error Indication, integrated UI for adding, deleting and navigating rows.
In-Cell Data Editing
Use any of our 90+ Data Editors.
In-Cell Data Editing
The DevExpress VCL Vertical Grid provides comprehensive In-Cell Data Editing options. Via its Editor Row, you are able to display both a header (caption) and data cell within the container. Just like our standard Data Grid, the Vertical Grid can use any In-Cell Editor that ships as part of the DevExpress Data Editors Library.
The Vertical Grid Control allows you to format the display text within its cells via built-in properties and events. To format cell values in edit mode, you simply apply masks to the Grid's in-place editors. Each in-place editor provides a Mask property which can be customized to render the appropriate format pattern.
Multi-Editor Rows
Display the data from multiple data fields within a single record.
Multi-Editor Rows
Multi-editor Rows are a great way to optimzie use of screen real estate. These rows are able to display multple cells within each record (and thus several header cells). This means that multi-editor rows can display the data from several bound data fields when working in bound mode. If in Unbound Mode, these rows will display multiple header cells and the same number of data cells.
Input Validation
Reduce data entry errors and visually inform users of invalid input.
Input Validation
The Vertical Grid Control includes data validation support. With it, you can control the manner in which data is entered. An error indicator is displayed if a value violates restrictions you've specified. You can implement validation rules for individual cells and/or records
Conditional Formatting
Highlight row and cell values for maximum data clarity.
Conditional Formatting
The VCL Vertical Control supports Excel-inspired Conditional Formatting of individual data cells. This feature allows end-users to both sort data inside the VerticalGrid AND to visualize selected cells with data bars, icons and predefined or custom appearance schemes. The following comparison rules are fully supported: Top/Bottom, Above/Below Average, Greater/Less Than, Value List, Unique/Duplicate.
A simple to use UI for creating advanced filter expressions.
Our VCL Vertical Grid can be used together with our Filter control. This gives you and your users more granular control over filter construction. The Filter Control displays filter criteria as a tree structure, where nodes represent simple filter conditions. If the filter criteria consist of multiple filter conditions, the Filter Control contains multiple nodes linked by logical operators into groups.