Super Fast Heatmap Chart
High-speed Rendering for Extremely Large Datasets
Engineered to deliver the fastest possible performance, our HeatMap control visualizes massive data sets with millions of input values at blazing fast speeds.
We rely on DevExpress WPF controls to build the user interface of our commercial application. We appreciate the quality and look and feel of these controls, the quality of the documentation and the excellent technical support.
David Lemoine / Lead Developer, Statsols
Interactive & Customizable
Deliver unrivaled user experiences.
The HeatMap control includes dozens of UI/UX customization settings - so you can create fully configurable data visualizations and personalized interfaces for your WPF application. Its advanced customization options include:
- Axes Titles & Legend
- Customizable Axes
- Heatmap Value Highlighting
- Show/Hide Cell Values
- Tooltips
- Hit Testing API
- Zoom & Scroll Heatmap
Look and Feel Customization
Manage heatmap appearance as needed.
Color lies at the heart of a heatmap. Our WPF HeatMap control ships with multiple coloring algorithms (colorizers), which include:
- Heatmap Key Color
- Heatmap Range Color
- Heatmap Object Color
And yes, you can also choose from over 50 beautiful application themes. You can use DevExpress themes without modification or alter them (using our free Theme Designer application) to fully address your business requirements.
Print. Export to Excel, Word, PDF
Turn your heatmap visualization into a printed report (or file) with a simple method call (or use the built-in Print Dialog instead). Integrated UI dialogs allow you to customize page settings like margins, document orientation, paper size, etc.
The HeatMap control supports numerous file export formats (PDF, DOCX, RTF, XLS, XLSX, MHT, and HTML). You can save data visualizations as standalone graphics files (SVG, Image) and easily integrate the image into documents or embed the file within a webpage.
Experiencing DevExpress left no doubt in my mind to go ahead with you guys and base my new WPF project on your fantastic framework. Thanks for such a great product. Keep up the excellent work!
Matt Alinc