In my project I have several classes that derive from your classes. E.g.:
C#[Designer("DevExpress.XtraBars.Design.BarManagerDesigner, DevExpress.XtraBars.v15.1.Design", typeof(IDesigner))]
[ProvideProperty("PopupContextMenu", typeof(Control))]
public class MyBarManager : BarManager
public MyBarManager();
public MyBarManager(IContainer container);
protected override BarManagerPaintStyle PaintStyle { get; }
protected override BarManagerHelpers CreateHelpers();
protected override BarSelectionInfo CreateSelectionInfo();
protected override void OnLoaded();
As you can see in the very first line, I use the Designer attribute to specify the WinForms designer.
Now when (e.g.) upgrading from DX 15.1 .8 to DX 15.2.3, the following happens:
- The DX project upgrade converter does not convert the above string.
This results in error messages like:
C#The variable 'barManager' is either undeclared or was never assigned.
when opening the Windows Forms designer in Visual Studio.
My resolution is to manually change the strings.
My suggestion:
Please consider enhancing your awesome converter tool to also convert the strings inside the Designer attribute.