Ticket T254485
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VSIX add-ins not correctly loaded in VS 2015 and CodeRush 14.2.7

created 10 years ago

I am working on updating my CR_Documentor community plugin tool window (source here) to allow installation into Visual Studio 2015. This includes:

* Using VSIX manifest v2.0.0 format.
* Building in Visual Studio 2015 using the VS 2015 SDK

When I debug the project, things work great. I see my Document or tool window added to the list of the other tool windows as expected and it behaves well.

Screen shots:
(1) Before running the installer and before debugging, you see all the tool windows listed.

The trouble comes when I actually install the VSIX to test it. Before I upload to the VS Gallery I want to make sure it works.

I exit VS 2015 and double-click the VSIX to install it. The process executes successfully. That's screen shot (2) - showing the VSIX correctly detecting that it can be installed into VS 2015.

On startup of VS 2015, the only tool window visible anymore is the Documentor window. That's screen shot (3) - showing only the tool window for the installed community plugin. Also, the plugin doesn't actually completely work - it seems to miss events that it expects to be raised from the DXCore engine, like doc parsing events.

Uninstalling the VSIX allows CodeRush to work again as expected, but something has become corrupted. Now that I've tried to install the VSIX into the VS Experimental instance, debugging yields the incorrect experience where I only see the tool window plugin and no other CodeRush features work, nor does my add-in work.

I'v e attached a zip to this ticket with the noted screen shots and a copy of the VSIX I'm using to test. The source is on GitHub.

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DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

    Thanks for providing the screencast. I have tried to reproduce this issue by your steps but the "CodeRush\Tools" menu loads correctly on my side. I have recorded the screencast illustrated It:


    To determine what causes this issue on your side, please collect CodeRush log files and provide us with them. For this, perform steps described in the following Knowledge Base article: How to collect diagnostic logs?

    Also, I recommend you remove the following folders:

    During development of extensions for Visual Studio 2015, we noticed that old cache files in these folders sometime caused issues with loading updated extensions.

    I am looking forward to your response.

      OK, I am back in business. I had to not only delete the …\14.0\ComponentModelCache and …\14.0Exp\ComponentModelCache, but also the …\14.0Exp\Extensions contents. It appeared that the debug version of a previous extension (CR_Documentor, from when I was working with that) was still in there and having that as well as the VSIX installed version was causing some fits.
      Nuking all of that allows me to get in and debug the next extension.
      Thanks again for your help (and patience!) with all of this. DevExpress support has always been the best and this is why.

      DevExpress Support Team 10 years ago

        Thank you for the compliments. We are happy to hear that you have solved this issue.

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