Ticket T202079
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Dashboard chart - Introduce the capability to specify Min/Max axis range values

created 10 years ago (modified 10 years ago)


I built & run the application DX_Sample.zip in

But the application does not scale the axis of the chart.

In addition to this, assuming that the application works as promised, Is there a way to get the axis range values from the layout xml file. Specifically, I would like to embed Axes Range Min. and Max. values into the xml. When, loading the Dashboard to a Dashboard Viewer, the chart should have the scale between embedded values in xml. Can I utilize Dashboard.UserData property for this purpose?

I modified the code as below. But still have no result.

private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DashboardChartControl chart = (DashboardChartControl)((IUnderlyingControlProvider)dashboardDesigner1).GetUnderlyingControl(dashboardDesigner1.Dashboard.Items[0].ComponentName); XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chart.Diagram; diagram.AxisY.VisualRange.Auto = false; diagram.AxisY.VisualRange.SetMinMaxValues(90, 105); }

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 10 years ago

Hello Atilla,
I have checked changes made in version 14.2 and modified your code in the following manner:

private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {     ChartControl chartControl = (ChartControl)((IUnderlyingControlProvider)dashboardViewer1).GetUnderlyingControl("chartDashboardItem1");     SecondaryAxisY secondaryAxesY = ((XYDiagram)chartControl.Diagram).SecondaryAxesY[0];     secondaryAxesY.VisualRange.Auto = false;     secondaryAxesY.VisualRange.SetMinMaxValues(Convert.ToDouble(0.4), Convert.ToDouble(0.7)); }

Please look at the attached sample. Yes, you can use the Dashboard.UserData property to save custom data in the dashboard. I am going to share this solution in the Dashboard chart - Introduce the capability to specify Min/Max axis range values thread as well.

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