One Dashboard Definition, Multiple UI Platforms



Web & Mobile

Our WinForms and WPF Dashboard components allow you to embed a royalty-free Dashboard Viewer or End-User Dashboard Designer directly into your desktop application (includes a read-to-go, elegant Office-inspired Ribbon interface with comprehensive customization options).


WinForms WinForms


Our ASP.NET Web Forms, MVC, ASP.NET Core, Blazor, client-side Angular/Vue/React Dashboard components allow you to deploy an all-in-one solution and switch between Viewer and Designer modes directly on the web client (includes adaptive layouts for tablet & mobile).


ASP.NET Web Forms ASP.NET Web Forms



Blazor Blazor

Angular Angular

Vue Vue

React React

HTML/JavaScript HTML/JavaScript

Enterprise Ready Intelligence

Go from Zero to Dashboard in record time

With DevExpress Dashboard for .NET, Angular, React and Vue, creating insightful and information-rich decision support systems for executives and business users across platforms and devices is a simple matter of selecting the appropriate UI widget (Chart, Pivot Table, Data Card, Gauge, TreeMap, Map, Grid or simple Filter elements) and dropping data fields onto corresponding arguments, values, and series.

And because DevExpress BI Dashboard automatically provides the best data visualization option for you, results are immediate, accurate and always relevant.

Getting up to speed on the Dashboard was definitely easier having used your controls. Once there, however, it was obvious how powerful, fast and easy it is. Christopher Burroughs
Desktop Dashboard with Chart and Pivot Table Elements
Tablet Dashboard with Chart, Indicator, and Range Controls

Enterprise Ready User Experiences

Rich data visualization for Desktop and Web

DevExpress BI Dashboard is the right tool for business because it delivers flexible, interactive, and fully customizable user experiences that are optimized for real-time data consumption and analysis. It ships with 15+ interactive dashboard UI widgets and allows you to implement custom widgets manually.

Dashboard Editor with Info-Cards and Map Controls
Dashboard Viewer with Data Grid, Info-Cards, Chart, and Map Controls
Maps Cards Grid Charts Pivot Gauges Range Filter TreeMap

Enterprise Ready Designers

Self-service customization made easy.

The DevExpress BI Dashboard designer allows you to create fully interactive business intelligence dashboards for Windows, the Web and Mobile devices without writing a single line of code. Straightforward and intuitive runtime customization means your organization can reduce development time and associated costs by allowing users to personalize dashboards as their requirements dictate.

DevExpress BI Dashboard makes the complex and time-consuming aspects of dashboard design a thing of the past by introducing a fully optimized drag & drop design surface so you can deliver professional business-oriented dashboards in record time.

Information Analysis Made Easy

A broad range of data analysis options inside.

Our royalty-free BI Dashboard ships with a fully integrated suite of powerful and high-performance data analysis features so you can deliver intuitive and easy-to-read business intelligence dashboards in the shortest possible time.

  • Master Filtering & Drill-Down
  • Calculated Fields & Dashboard Parameters
  • Window Calculations
  • Conditional Formatting
  • Summaries & Aggregates
  • Grouping / Sorting / Filtering

And yes, whether building a dashboard for the desktop, the web, or your mobile world, you can incorporate the same data analysis features and include the same visualization elements across platforms/devices.

Interactivity and Data Analysis - BI Dashboard | DevExpress

Appearance Customization

Over 60 custom themes designed to amaze.

Create a unique experience that users of all devices will adore and remember. Choose from dozens of highly polished desktop and fully responsive web themes and deliver elegant business intelligence applications. You can use each of these themes easily, without modification or manipulate them using our free Theme Builder applications for the Desktop and Web.

You can specify a theme when you ship your BI application or allow end-users to modify the look and feel of your business application on the fly.

Everything is really easy to use, Dashboard Designer, Project Wizard, too many great tools that will make even the technical developer feel like they are now an end-user. Khalefa Mohammed
Appearance Customization - BI Dashboard | DevExpress

Any Data Source. Anytime.

DevExpress Dashboard for .NET allows you to focus on what matters most, your data. It was engineered so you can spend more time on business logic and less time on UI customization. Whether it's manipulation of individual chart series, specifying a pivot table's dimensions or connecting UI elements to fields across different data-sources or data providers, DevExpress Dashboard is built to make your experience a productive one. With our tools, you create your dashboard data source once via our built-in data source wizard and drag the desired fields from our field browser to the data visualization drop area.

Data Provides Supported by DevExpress Dashboard for .NET

All trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Get Started Today
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30-Day Trial
Purchase a License
DevExpress Dashboard ships
as part of the Universal Subscription,
available for $2,199.99
Get Pre-Purchase Help
Call us at +1 (818) 844-3383
or email

Additional Info

Affordable and Cost-Effective

Unlike other commercial Dashboard solutions, DevExpress Dashboard does not require costly contracts, does not require monthly payments, nor does it require royalties.

Design it once and run it everywhere

DevExpress Dashboard ships with a powerful Windows Dashboard designer so you can create your dashboard with point and click ease and deliver it as a Windows, Web or Mobile app.

Optimized for Visual Studio

With full Visual Studio Integration, DevExpress Dashboard allows you to deliver business solutions that target Windows, the Web and Mobile devices with breathtaking ease.

Web Dashboard — Content Security Policy Support

Improve the web page performance with Web Dashboard components, protect users from malicious content, and limit potential damage from common types of attacks such as XSS and data injection.

Data Federation

Combine multiple data sources and define joins or master-detail relationships between data source queries. Our Data Federation implementation supports SQL, EF, Object, Excel, JSON, and XPO data sources. Read about Data Federation

Frequently Asked Questions

I hate on-going fees and I don't want to pay a monthly fee for my BI Dashboard. Is DevExpress Dashboard royalty-free?

Absolutely. Once you purchase a DevExpress Universal subscription, you can distribute all DevExpress BI Dashboard components included in our Universal Subscription royalty-free. And yes, you will not have to pay monthly fees once you deploy DevExpress BI Dashboard to your end-users/clients. Refer to our End User License Agreement for more information about terms/conditions or email with specific license-related questions.

How is DevExpress Dashboard different from Power BI and Tableau?

1. Unlike Power BI and Tableau, DevExpress Dashboard offers straightforward licensing terms. Our simple, perpetual-use licensing model offers the following benefits to you and your enterprise:

  • You do not need to calculate the number of end-user licenses (which can change as business requirements change). DevExpress Dashboard does not require the purchase of end-user licenses.

  • You do not need to calculate the number of licenses for dashboard creators/designers separately. DevExpress licenses its products per software developer. One Universal license can give you access to all product features (refer to our End User License Agreement for mor information in this regard).

  • You can pay for a single developer license (Universal Subscription) and deploy our full-featured Dashboard Viewer/Designer across an unlimited number of apps. Once again, DevExpress does not require the purchase of individual end-user licenses or separate licenses for creators/designers.

BI Dashboard Integration/Deployment Costs, Over 3 Years


DevExpress Bi Dashboard Licensing BI Dashboard Integration/Deployment Costs, Over 3 Years * Tableau/Power BI cost information obtained via a web-survey on Feb 1, 2022. All trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.


* Tableau/Power BI cost information obtained via a web-survey on Feb 1, 2022. All trademarks or registred trademarks are property of their respective owners.


2. Tableau Embedded Analytics and Microsoft Power BI Embedded do not offer effective options for embedding dashboard viewers/creators/designers into Windows desktop apps (existing solutions involve hacks using WebBrowser controls, IFRAME and Win32 API). DevExpress BI Dashboard allows you to embed and deploy stunning, fully interactive reports and dashboards into .NET WinForms or WPF desktop apps (yes, we ship native Dashboard Viewers for WinForms and WPF, not hacked web page wrappers).

3. Developing custom UI/visual elements for both Tableau and Power BI can be cumbersome from a developer's point of view (example). This is due to architectural limitations (Tableau/Power BI require the use of wrapped web pages). DevExpress BI Dashboard was built with native and reusable DevExpress UI components.

As such, DevExpress Dashboard is customizable and extendable by design. To customize our dashboard viewers/creators/designers, simply use our built-in customization options, and fully leverage the potential of the target UI platform (developers can use the power of C# or JavaScript and avoid the limited/non-intuitive configurations of JSON files/script parameters).

My IT department wants to replace Power BI/Tableau with an in-house app (We need to reduce costs and maintain flexibility). Is it easy to self-host DevExpress BI Dashboard (I need a Dashboard that can be deployed easily within our enterprise)?

Adding DevExpress BI Dashboard into an existing app does not alter its existing deployment model. You can deploy embedded dashboards within your own/third-party infrastructure (On-Premises or Cloud) using straightforward options for a variety of target UI platforms:

  • Windows Desktop with .NET WinForms and WPF

  • Web & Mobile with ASP.NET Core MVC or Blazor; Angular, React, and Vue for JavaScript, or ASP.NET WebForms & MVC5 for existing legacy apps

From a developer/deployment perspective, you will simply deploy a few more assemblies with your existing app/solution. If you have specific deployment questions or need to discuss your business needs in greater detail, please email at your convenience.

I am an ISV/Consultant and I build vertical market apps/custom solutions for my clients. Can I integrate DevExpress BI Dashboard into my vertical market app/custom solution? Do I have to pay royalties for each app/solution?

You can integrate DevExpress BI Dashboard into your vertical market app/custom solution by linking to your existing data model or to a new data source.

DevExpress licenses its products on a per-developer model. So once you purchase the appropriate developer licenses for our Universal Subscription, you can distribute your app/custom solution royalty-free. Refer to our End User License Agreement for more information in this regard.


Supported IDEs

Release Date
Support Status
Limited Support
Not Supported
(for legacy apps)
Minor Updates
Security Updates
Supported Frameworks
.NET 8 / .NET 9
.NET Framework 4.6.2+
.NET 6 / .NET 7 / .NET 8 / .NET 9
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET 6 / .NET 7
.NET Core 3.0+
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
.NET 6
.NET Core 3.0+
.NET Framework 4.5.2+
Supported IDE
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2022
Visual Studio 2019
Visual Studio 2017
Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio 2012
Desktop Browsers
Microsoft Edge Two Latest Versions
Safari Two Latest Versions
Firefox Two Latest Versions
Google Chrome Two Latest Versions
Opera Two Latest Versions
Microsoft Edge Two Latest Versions
Safari Two Latest Versions
Firefox Two Latest Versions
Google Chrome Two Latest Versions
Opera Two Latest Versions
Microsoft Edge Two Latest Versions
Safari Two Latest Versions
Firefox Two Latest Versions
Google Chrome Two Latest Versions
Opera Two Latest Versions
Microsoft Edge Two Latest Versions
Safari Two Latest Versions
Firefox Two Latest Versions
Google Chrome Two Latest Versions
Opera Two Latest Versions
Mobile OS
Android 4.3+
iOS 6+
Windows 10
Android 4.3+
iOS 6+
Windows 10
Android 4.3+
iOS 6+
Windows 10
Android 4.3+
iOS 6+
Windows 10

Best in Class Tools

DevExpress is honored to have been voted best in class 18 times in this year's Visual Studio Magazine Reader's Choice Awards.

Experience the DevExpress difference and see why your peers consistently vote our products #1. With our Universal Subscription, you will build your best, see complex software with greater clarity, increase your productivity and create stunning applications for Windows, Web and your Mobile world.

18 VSM Awards in 2024 x18
19 VSM Awards in 2023 x19
20 VSM Awards in 2022 x20
20 VSM Awards in 2021 x20