Ticket T433881
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How To: Find and deactivate a problematic Controller "on the fly" via an application UI for troubleshooting purposes

created 8 years ago

I have come across a few scenarios where something seems to be slowing down an XAF solution and it is tough to determine where the issue exists. This can then lead to hours of tearing out controllers to try and determine if one is problematic.

To make this process easier, I have created a module that you can add to an XAF solution to Enable and Disable controllers on the fly.

Once you add this module to your solution, you will find the "Show Controller Settings" action in the Tools menu. In the dialog that appears, you can enable or disable any controllers you wish, or click the "Disable Custom Controllers" to disable non-DevExpress controllers (A good starting place).

Please note: Once you enable or disable controllers, you must re-open a view for the change to take effect.

This solution has been tested on existing Win Applications only.

Comments (2)

    This is amazing! No more commenting types in GetDeclaredControllerTypes. It will be super useful.

    Thanks for sharing Dave!

      Thank you!

      Answers approved by DevExpress Support

      created 8 years ago (modified 8 years ago)

      Hello Dave,

      Thanks for sharing your solution with the XAF community. I've just blogged about it at http://dennisgaravsky.blogspot.com/2016/09/how-to-find-and-deactivate-problematic.html


        Comments (2)
        D D
        Dave Hesketh (Llamachant Technology) / DX MVP 8 years ago

          Thank you for expanding on this Dennis. I hope others find it useful.

            This is amazing. Something like this should really be built in. Helped me out a lot today.

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