Ticket Q553446
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ASPxGridListEditor - How to customize the column chooser of the Web ListView's grid control (e.g., increase its size or make it resizeable)

created 11 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

How can I control the order in which fields appear in the Fields selector?
Also, I would like to make it bigger, currently it shows only 5 elements and you need to use the scroll bar.
Is it possible to group the elements according to some categories?

Thanks & regards

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

Hi Juan.

In general, to accomplish this task, use a standard solution for the grid control from our ASPxGridView Suite. This is because the ASPxGridView component is integrated in XAF as part of our ASPxGridListEditor wrapper, which does not provide any special options for this scenario. To learn more on accomplishing this task for the grid component, please refer to its online documentation, examples and support database. For instance,  I suggest that you refer to the following tickets where these features were discussed previously:
    How to sort Field Chooser on CustomizationWindow,
    ASPxGridView - How to change the customization window size,
    ASPxGridView customization window with grouping
    GridViewCustomizationWindowPopupSettings Members

You can integrate these ASPxGridView solutions in XAF as per Access Grid Control Properties. For instance, as follows:

using DevExpress.ExpressApp; using DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx; namespace MainDemo.Module.Web { public class WebViewController1 : ViewController<ListView> { public WebViewController1() { TargetViewId = "YourSpecificListViewId"; } protected override void OnViewControlsCreated() { base.OnViewControlsCreated(); ASPxGridListEditor gridListEditor = View.Editor as ASPxGridListEditor; if(gridListEditor != null) { gridListEditor.Grid.SettingsPopup.CustomizationWindow.Height = 500; gridListEditor.Grid.SettingsPopup.CustomizationWindow.Width = 500; gridListEditor.Grid.SettingsPopup.CustomizationWindow.AllowResize = true;//17.1.3+ } } } }
Visual Basic
Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp Imports DevExpress.ExpressApp.Web.Editors.ASPx Namespace MainDemo.Module.Web Public Class WebViewController1 Inherits ViewController(Of ListView) Public Sub New() MyBase.New TargetViewId = "YourSpecificListViewId" End Sub Protected Overrides Sub OnViewControlsCreated() MyBase.OnViewControlsCreated Dim gridListEditor As ASPxGridListEditor = CType(View.Editor,ASPxGridListEditor) If (Not (gridListEditor) Is Nothing) Then gridListEditor.Grid.SettingsPopup.CustomizationWindow.Height = 500 gridListEditor.Grid.SettingsPopup.CustomizationWindow.Width = 500 gridListEditor.Grid.SettingsPopup.CustomizationWindow.AllowResize = true End If End Sub End Class End Namespace

I hope this helps.

Search key words:  XAF Web ListView, ASPxGridListEditor, ASP.NET WebForms, grid, grid control, customization window, column chooser, fields chooser, narrow, width, size, resize, resizeable, small, tiny

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