Bug Report T989286
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CodeRush - The Smart Duplicate Line adds an unexpected '+' character at the beginning of duplicated code

created 4 years ago


please see sample project and video.
Sometimes there is a + sign added in the duplicated line.

Thank you,

Show previous comments (1)

    Hello Alex,

    thank you.
    All are latest versions VS 16.9.3, CodeRush 20.2.9.
    But it has nothing to do with the versions. I noticed that for some months but didn't have time to post it so far.
    It's also not a big issue; I just delete the + sign…

    But I know why you can't reproduce it:
    I see the reference to Devexpress.Xtrascheduler is missing on your side and AppointmentCustomFieldMapping is not defined.
    That's why I added this sample project.
    First I tried to just copy this line into an empty new project without a scheduler control.
    If references are missing it works.
    If everything is defined and there are no missing definitions or references then you will be able to reproduce it.

    Thank you,

    DevExpress Support Team 4 years ago

      Thank you for the clarification, Franz. I will try to reproduce this issue taking your comments into account. Please bear with me.

      DevExpress Support Team 4 years ago


        I can see the issue now. Please give us some time to research it.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 4 years ago

        We have addressed the issue described in this ticket and will include a fix in our next maintenance update. Should you need to apply our fix prior to official release, you can request a hotfix here.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for betas/updates set for release within a week.

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