when I run CodeRush Setup Wizard, always "Disable Markers" is marked, regardless of the real setting.
I selected "Use markers (and collect with Alt+End) and everything works as expected in the IDE, but when I run Setup Wizard again it shows me "Disable Markers" as selected item.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for reaching out to us.
I didn't manage to reproduce this behavior - Setup Wizard correctly displays the previously selected option on my side. Would you please share your settings with me for the further research? CodeRush stores settings in a few locations - global and local. You can quickly reveal the global settings folder in Windows Explorer by selecting CodeRush > Support > Settings folder… Visual Studio menu item. Local settings are located in a special
folder next to the solution file you're working with. Please, pack both folders' contents into an archive and attach it to the comment body below.I look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Igor,
I attached both folders. VS 2017 is installed too (I never uninstalled it) on my Computer, but do not use it anymore), and even there this issue happens without loading any solution.
For your information: I never used "Options layers" and only click on the Apply-Button to save any changed setting.
And even the wrong selection is shown, everything works as expected in the IDE. I can set a new marker with Alt+Home and collect it with Alt+End. This is the setting I made.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for clarification and for sharing additional information with us.
I managed to reproduce the issue locally and forwarded this thread to our R&D team for further research. We'll reply here once we have any news in this regard.
Hi Michael,
Thank your for your patience.
We've found the cause of issue. I suggest use the following script:
in Windows Explorer.Shortcuts.xml
file with the attached one.After that, the issue should gone. Please let me know about your results.
Hi Igor,
Thank you.
I tried this procedure twice, but unfortunately without any luck. The issue still exists. When I run Setup Wizard after selecting the right value (Alt+End) and click Finish, "Disable Markers" shows selected again. But in the IDE I can collect markers with Alt+End.
Hi Mark,
Please give us some time to prepare a diagnostic build with additional logging for you. It's still unclear to us why we can't reproduce this on our side. I will update this thread once the build is ready.
Hi Igor,
if I am the only person, who noticed this issue, forget it. I used Setup Wizard once, when I installed CodeRush some years ago and never used it again. Last week I called it (dont't know why), faced this issue and thought I should inform you.
Everything works as expected, I'm very happy with CodeRush and your support is really great. And in the future, if I need to run Setup Wizard, I know that I have to change the Marker-Radiobox myself. Nothing to worry about.
Hi Mark,
Thank you for your cooperation in advance. We greatly appreciate your help.
We are going to close this ticket. Nevertheless, we will definitely take it into account if we receive similar reports in the future.
I also wanted to point out that according to our code, in order to show Use markers (and collect with Alt+End) as the selected option, Setup Wizard iterates over all registered shortcuts looking for one with the MarkerCollect command and the Alt+End shortcut. This is the cause of the issue - Setup Wizard can't find this shortcut. Would you please share with us the screenshot of the MarkerCollect shortcut options page from your side? On my side it looks as follows:
Also, this cause of the issue may relate to system locale value from your side or to the specific keyboard layout. Please, share this information with as well if possible.
Hi Igor,
I'm using GERMAN (Austria) locale and keyboard layout.
Strange behaviour: When I tried to reproduce your screenshot and search for "markers" only "MarkersSwap" is visible (see Markers2,jpg).
Hi Michael,
Thank your for sharing additional information with us. We will research it in order to reproduce the original issue. Please give us some more time to accomplish this.
We will update this thread once we have any news in this regard.