Each time I execute Code Cleanup some lines move to the right by one indent. So much so that the line eventually moves out of view on the right hand side of the screen. Is this a bug or misconfiguration? It seems to only happen for variable assignments that are wrapped.
In the sample code below the second line will keep moving to the right by one indent each time Code Cleanup is run.
C#_evolutionConnectionString = values.GetConnectionString(SystemOptionsNames.EvolutionCompanyDatabaseConnectionString);
In the sample code below all lines from the second line on will keep moving to the right by one indent each time Code Cleanup is run.
C#var notificationIds =
.Select(a => a.NotificationId)
I noticed now that this seems to only happen inside lambda functions for chained method calls. If wrapping's align by is set to either Expression or First Dot.
Below is the rest of the code in which my first example above appears.
Receive<SystemOptionResponse>(response => { switch(response) { case SystemOptionResponse.Failure failure: throw new Exception(failure.Error); case SystemOptionResponse.Success success: var values = success.Values; _onfleetApiDescriptor = values.ToOnfleetApiDescriptor(); _evolutionConnectionString = values.GetConnectionString(SystemOptionsNames.EvolutionCompanyDatabaseConnectionString); Become(Ready); break; } });
Hello Stephan,
Thank you for contacting us and providing a code sample.
I tried to reproduce this issue with Code Cleanup but everything works fine on my side.
To help us research this issue, please share the following information:
We look forward to your response.
Thank you for the information.
I have reproduced this issue with your settings.
We will research it and notify you as soon as we have any results.