Bug Report T892197
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Code Cleanup - An error occurred when saving a Visual Basic file

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

CodeRush won't organize/cleanup the following code:

Visual Basic
Imports System.Xml Imports System.Xml.Linq Public Class Class1 Private Function ParseSyntaxData() As Dictionary(Of String, String) ' Do not get address as that should be brought in from Epicor Dim dicResult As New Dictionary(Of String, String) Dim strLines() As String '= Me.mmoDetailsCaseNotes.Lines Dim intStart As Integer = 0 Dim intEnd As Integer = 0 Dim intStartSearch As Integer = 0 Dim intErrorCount As Integer = 0 Dim intCount As Integer = 0 SearchAgain: ' This will find the most recent xml For i As Integer = intStartSearch To strLines.Length - 1 If Trim(strLines(i)).IndexOf("<ServicePro>") = 0 Then intStart = i ElseIf Trim(strLines(i)).IndexOf("</ServicePro>") = 0 Then intEnd = i intStartSearch = i + 1 Exit For End If If i = strLines.Length - 1 Then GoTo Finish Next If intStart + intEnd >= 2 Then Dim strSyntax As String strSyntax = "<?xml version=""1.0""?>" For i As Integer = intStart To intEnd strSyntax += strLines(i) Next XMLFIX: Try intCount += 1 Catch ex As XmlException ' XML quick fix strSyntax = strSyntax.Replace(CChar("&"), "&amp;") strSyntax = strSyntax.Replace(CChar("'"), "&apos;") intErrorCount += 1 If intErrorCount <= 1 Then GoTo XMLFIX End If If intErrorCount > 1 Then ex.Data.Add("xmlTest", strSyntax) 'ex.Data.Add("Case", Me.txtCaseNumber.Text) 'ex.Data.Add("Call", Me.txtCallNumber.Text) Dim intResult As Integer = msgAdv.Show($"{MessageStrings.DispatchSyntaxTestingError1}{intCount}. {MessageStrings.DispatchSyntaxTestingError2}", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) If intResult = vbYes Then GoTo SearchAgain Else GoTo Finish End If End Try Try Dim xml As System.Xml.Linq.XDocument = XDocument.Parse(strSyntax) For Each node In xml.Elements("ServicePro").Nodes Select Case node.NodeType Case System.Xml.XmlNodeType.Element dicResult(DirectCast(node, XElement).Name.ToString) = DirectCast(node, XElement).Value End Select Next Catch ex As Exception ex.Data.Add("xmlTest", strSyntax) 'ex.Data.Add("Case", Me.txtCaseNumber.Text) 'ex.Data.Add("Call", Me.txtCallNumber.Text) Dim strMessage As String = MessageStrings.DispatchSyntaxProcessingError msgAdv.ShowException(ex, False, strMessage) GoTo Finish End Try If intStartSearch < strLines.Length Then GoTo SearchAgain End If Finish: Return dicResult End Function End Class

The following is taken from the error log after attempting to save the vb file.

2020.05.21 12:28:55.4442 Error: ApplyCount for Apply variable declaration style provider exceeded on Class1.vb document 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: Message: One or more errors occurred. 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: Type: System.AggregateException 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: Source: mscorlib 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: StackTrace: 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThrowIfExceptional(Boolean includeTaskCanceledExceptions) 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result() 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at DevExpress.CodeRush.Foundation.CodeCleanUp.CleanUpOnSaveService.ProcessDocumentSaved(ITextDocument textDocument) 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: InnerException: 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: Message: Exception of type 'DevExpress.CodeAnalysis.CodeCleanUp.CodeCleanUpHangedException' was thrown. 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: Type: DevExpress.CodeAnalysis.CodeCleanUp.CodeCleanUpHangedException 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: Source: DevExpress.CodeAnalysis 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: StackTrace: 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at DevExpress.CodeAnalysis.CodeCleanUp.CodeCleanUpEngine.<Apply>d__22.MoveNext() 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.ThrowForNonSuccess(Task task) 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) 2020.05.21 12:28:55.4452 Error: at DevExpress.CodeAnalysis.CodeCleanUp.CodeCleanUpEngine.<Apply>d__31.MoveNext()

I also attached the my CodeRush Settings.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong or what is causing CodeRush to fail?


Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

    Hi Nathan,

    Thank you for reaching out to us and for your code sample. I replicated this behavior and forwarded this thread to our R&D team for further research. We will update this thread once we have any news.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 5 years ago

    We have addressed the issue described in this ticket and will include a fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before official release, request a hotfix by clicking the appropriate version link.

    Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for betas/updates set for release within a week.

      Comments (2)

        Thank you for the hotfix. It fixed the issue.

        DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

          You're welcome, Nathan!
          Feel free to contact us in case of any further difficulty.

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