Bug Report T890704
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Unit Testing - Test icons for newly added test methods are lost after building a project

created 5 years ago (modified 5 years ago)


I'm using NUnit 3 and the latest VS 2019 (16.5.5).

If I add a new Test-Method with "t", CodeRush expands the shortcut correctly, but after some time of working in the IDE the test-icon left of [Test] is not shown any longer (see screenshot 1). I can't reproduce why it stops working, but it happens after some time. Even if I restart VS, the Icon is not there.

Then I try to run all Tests in that unit and click on the test-icon at [TestFicture]. All tests are running as expected and now the icon is shown. But if I delete that Test-Method, the icon remains (see screenshot 2).

Never had that problems before…



Show previous comments (5)
Michael M. Maier 5 years ago

    Hi Igor,

    Sorry for being impatient, but because of this bug in CodeRush 20.1.3 I was forced to downgrade to 19.2.9 and run into another problem.

    With Visual Studio 16.6 IntelliRush inserts a linebreak when selecting an item (https://supportcenter.devexpress.com/ticket/details/t886841

    There is a working hotfix for 20.1.3 but unfortunately not for 19.2.9. Can you help?

    DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

      Hi Michael,

      Sure. I've just published the hotfix for v19.2 as well. You can download the patched v19.2 build on the T886841 page in the Fixed In section.

      M M
      Michael M. Maier 5 years ago

        Hi Igor,

        Thank you! I'm really impressed. Great News! Already installed it and IntelliRush works as expected.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 5 years ago

        We have addressed the issue described in this ticket and will include a fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before official release, request a hotfix by clicking the appropriate version link.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for betas/updates set for release within a week.

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