This was reported a year ago and fixed (
But this is not working in the current 19.6.0 Preview 5 version and it stopped working somewhere during the CodeRush 19.x release. It is still not working in 20.x.
- Enable IntelliRush.
- In C# enter an identifier, dot and then start typing a member name and press ENTER to insert the item.
- It also inserts a newline.
- In VS confirm the option is disabled under Text Editor\C#\Intellisense\Never add new line on enter
- Use VS 2019 full version (16.5.0). Even with the same settings for CR/VS it does not have the issue.
- Disable Intellirush. VS behaves correctly.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for the detailed steps.
I have reproduced the problem in Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2019 Preview Version 16.6.0 Preview 5.0.
We will try to fix this as soon as possible and will notify you of our progress in this ticket.