Bug Report T817521
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Shortcuts - The "Num-(minus)" key does not work

created 5 years ago


Using the CodeRush extension and using the numeric part of the keyboard, all keys are working but the ’Num –’ (minus) key.
Searching the forum, I have found the issue, but even if I turn off the Shortcuts Num- (SelectionReduce) Enabled, the problem is still there.
(Please find picture attached)

Nothing happens pushing the ’Num –’ button.

If I disable the CodeRush extension the functionality of the ’Num –’ restore normally

What can be the issue? Is there any way I can make the ’Num –’ work and insert a ’-’ sign with CodeRush enabled?

Show previous comments (4)
DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

    Hi Zoltan,

    I tried to reproduce the problem with your settings. However, Num- works as expected with CodeRush installed.

    Could you please check the Visual Studio options for Keyboard?
    I suppose that there can be CodeRush commands binded to the Num- shortcut.
    You can use the "CodeRush" keyword in the "Show commands containing:" text box to find the shortcuts related to our product faster.
    Here is an image illustrating how to do this: https://www.screencast.com/t/ARgHOJj6j

    If this does not help, please try to reinstall CodeRush again.
    Here are the steps to uninstall the product and install the new one from scratch:

    1. Close all Visual Studio instances except for one.
    2. Uninstall CodeRush by using the Visual Studio extension manager: Tool ->Extensions and Updates… ->Installed -> All -> CodeRush -> Uninstall button.
    3. Restart the Visual Studio instance and close it.
    4. Navigate to the  %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio{Visual Studio version}\Extensions\ folder, find folders containing the "DevExpress.CodeRush.Package.pkgdef" file, and completely remove them if they exist. Then, remove all \*.cache files in the Extensions folder.
    5. Remove all files in the following folder:  %localappdata%\Microsoft\VisualStudio{Visual Studio version}\ComponentModelCache\
    6. Install your CodeRush version.

    Please try this workaround and let us know your results.

    ZS ZS
    Zoltan Szakaly 5 years ago

      Hi Eugene,
      I have found the shortcut in the VS options, it was assigned to CodeRush.Reduce command. After I have removed this assignment the fuction of the Num- has been restored.
      I have investigated the issue, and the problem is related, if the Sync this shortcut  with the command key binding registered in Visual Studio is enabled in CodeRush Shortcuts.
      If I enable shortcut, this setting is automatically synced to VS settings, but if I disable it, the change is not syncing to VS settings.

      Thank you very much for your help.

      DevExpress Support Team 5 years ago

        Hi Zoltan,

        Thank you for the fast reply and giving me additional details.
        I also noticed that the "Num+" and "Num-" shortcuts have different values for the "Sync this shortcut  with the command key binding" option in your settings.
        Now I managed to reproduce the problem.

        Please give us some time to research and correct it. We will inform you once we get any results.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 5 years ago

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

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