Bug Report T747922
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General – IntelliSense does not pick proper completions for typed text

created 6 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T745094: VS 2019 reports coderush is slowing typing]
It looked like the problem had gone away, but I've had it a number of times in my current editing session. Caught the last one with the performance monitoring switched on, and will include the logs. Whilst I'm at it, I've recorded something else strange. Not sure whether this is a coderush issue or a VS2019 issue, as I installed VS2019 v16.1 and a coderush update at around the same time. Since doing so I've noticed quite a lot of times when intellisense isn't picking up completions that it should be. As it happened, this manifested itself whilst I was recording the performance data, so I've recorded it for you to take a look at. Here's a link to the screencast. I'm trying to type the class private variable "_legKey", but it won't recognise it, despite it working fine a few seconds earlier on the other half of the And. Also once it incorrectly selects "Key" as a completion, and I delete it, it starts working again, and correctly offers up _legKey. I've spotted this numerous times over the last week or so, but not had the chance to catch it until now

Forgot to add, this had been happening for almost every field in the select part of the Linq statement at the top of the screenshot, which is why I was trying to retype that statement to reproduce the error. I can't say for sure if this is only happening withing Linq statements, but I feel it might be

Show previous comments (4)
Kevin O'Donovan 6 years ago

    Just checked - the correct completion is available in the intellisense list at the bottom, its just not being noticed as the most exact match

    AE AE
    Alex Eg (DevExpress) 6 years ago

      Hi Kevin,
      Thank you for the provided information. I reproduced the issue and it seems that CodeRush somehow affects IntelliSense even when IntelliRush and Naming Assistant features are disabled. Please give us some time to research the situation.

      KO KO
      Kevin O'Donovan 6 years ago

        No problem. Happy to see it nailed down

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 6 years ago

        Hi Kevin,
        We researched the issue and found a solution - the issue isn't reproducible on our machines anymore. Please try this build and inform us about your results:

          Show previous comments (1)
          AE AE
          Alex Eg (DevExpress) 6 years ago

            Hi Kevin,
            We are looking forward to hearing from you!

            KO KO
            Kevin O'Donovan 6 years ago

              Seems to be sorted, thanks - was driving me mad!

              AE AE
              Alex Eg (DevExpress) 6 years ago

                Thank you for the update! I'm happy to hear that the issue is resolved.

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