Hi guys,
I've choose to ngen the code rush assemblies (after it asked me). So far so good.
But now I see security dialog about NGenInstaller *each time* VS starts.
Hi guys,
I've choose to ngen the code rush assemblies (after it asked me). So far so good.
But now I see security dialog about NGenInstaller *each time* VS starts.
We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.
Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.
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Hello Miha,
I have tried to reproduce the issue on my side, but without success.
Would you please clarify if NGEN.exe starts and finishes successfully or there are any issues with it (you can see how it works via Task Manager or Process Explorer)?
When NGEN.exe is started, it needs some time to handle all CodeRush assemblies.
It will be also helpful if you provide the following information:
- CodeRush settings (from "%AppData%\CodeRush\Settings");
- CodeRush log files (from "%LocalAppData%\CodeRush\Logs");
I am looking forward to your response.
Hello Pavel,
I encountered a similar behavior as described above since yesterday. Upgraded VS2019 from RC.4 and CodeRush 18.2.8.
VS2019 (without adminrights) with CodeRush 18.2.9 installed.
When I start a test, compile or run debug, this security dialog appears. But only once. When I close VS2019 and start it again, the dialogs comes again.
With VS2019 RC.4 and 18.2.8 never saw this.
Hello Michael,
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
I have tried to reproduce this issue with the steps you described:
- created a clean machine with VS 2019 RC.4 and CodeRush 18.2.8;
- updated CodeRush to v18.2.9 and enabled "Run NGEN automatically on updates";
- updated Visual Studio to the final version.
After that, the issue is not reproducible on my side.
We log how NGEN works and it would help if you provide the CodeRush log files as described in my previous comment.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
Hello Pavel,
find the logs in the attachment
My logs - seems like no errors in logs
My settings
Hello Miha and Michael,
Thank you for providing the information we requested.
We will think how to avoid these problems in the future.
As a temporary workaround I suggest you execute the following steps:
- close Visual Studio;
- go to the %AppData%\CodeRush\Settings folder;
- open the ".xml" file (with the empty name) and set the "Never" value for the "NGenType" element.
We will notify you as soon as we have any results.
Yep, that disables it.
Hello Miha,
Thank you for letting us know your results.