Sorry for attaching a big project to this ticket, but I cannot reproduce this bug on a smaller project. Please keep it private.
Steps to reproduce: (illustrated in attached Gif screencast)
- Open Src\Manager\Scia.Cid.Manager.sln. Restore NuGet and compile.
- Open IAppExceptionHandler
- Open AppExceptionHandler
- Open WpfAppExceptionHandler. There are several methods in this class
- Navigate to AppExceptionHandler.IsExpectedException
- Use refactoring "Add to IAppExceptionHandler interface"
- Navigate to WpfAppExceptionHandler. All existing code is gone and is replaced with CodeRush's try to implement an interface method. Which is nonsense. This interface is already implemented in the base class AppExceptionHandler.
And screecast
Hi Karel,
Thank you for the code sample. I have reproduced the issue and we are working on it.