Bug Report T713102
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Code Cleanup – The “Remove redundant ‘MyBase’ qualifier” cleanup rule incorrectly works in the DataSet designer file in VB

created 6 years ago

please give an option to exclude designer files from CodeRush Cleanup if "Code cleanup when saving" is enabled.
If "Code cleanup when saving" is activated, some cleanup functions will cause errors if, for example, a Dataset is edited in the designer.
(See my video)

It also takes a very long time to save forms with many controls and layouts if designer files included by "Code cleanup when saving".

CodeRush has an Spell Checker option "Check designer files" and this is disabled by default.

This feature in my opinion is also urgently needed for the "Cleanup when saving" function.

Kind regards,

Show previous comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

    Please accept my apologies. I misled you. The Cleanup feature is not applied to generated files only when it is called in the project from the Solution Explorer window. However it should be called in your case.
    We see incorrect behavior of the "Remove redundant 'MyBase' qualifier" and "Apply 'Optional parenthesis' stype to invocations (constructor, method or property)" cleanup rules and will correct it.
    For the "Apply 'Optional parenthesis' stype to invocations (constructor, method or property)" cleanup rule I have created a separate ticket:
    "Apply 'Optional parenthesis' stype to invocations (constructor, method or property)" cleanup rule incorrectly works in the DataSet designer file in VB

    We will discuss the possibility of adding Cleanup profiles and an ability to apply it to specific cases.

    SR SR
    Stefan Remberg 6 years ago

      Hello Andrew,
      thank you for your message and the always excellent support !

      DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

        Thank you for your compliment! You are welcome!

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 6 years ago (modified 6 years ago)

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

          Comments (2)
          SR SR
          Stefan Remberg 6 years ago

            Hello Andrew,
            the problem also occurs in DataSets if you use the following cleanup functions:
            1. Use 'NameOf'
            2. Make properties auto-implemented

            Kind regards,

            DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago

              Thank you for the clarification.

              I have created a separate ticket for the "Make properties auto-implemented" cleanup rule:
              The "Make properties auto-implemented" cleanup rule produces compilation errors in the DataSet designer file in VB

              As for the "Use 'NameOf'" cleanup rule, it is disabled by default. The use of this functionality in automatic mode is associated with a certain risk.
              That is why, by default, this functionally is disabled and you can use it at your own risk. I suggest you turn off this code cleanup rule and manually apply the same refactoring from the code when it is required.

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