I had the navigation "Jump to File" mapped to alt U. Alt U still brings up the navigation dialog, but so does Alt F. I don't want that - I want to be able to use the VS file menu. If I open the shortcuts configuration for JumpToFile, I see it mapped to Alt F. This is because I'm stuck in a trap from the last time I tried to fix this. It was formerly mapped to alt U, but alt F began brining up the dialog so I tried to set the mappings to alt U but I can't. If I try to set the mapping back to alt U (with focus in the "First shortcut" box in the shortcuts configuration), the navigation dialog comes up instead.
Note that I use the dvorak keyboard layout (U in dvorak is in the place where F would be in qwerty), but I use an actual dvorak keyboard, I'm not switching anything in the OS. I suppose I'll need to change this directly wherever it's stored.