Bug Report T698700
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Performance - CodeRush slows down in Visual Studio 2017 when debugging (or in debug mode)

created 6 years ago

In my current development VM , I have been using VS2017 with Coderush without an issue. I periodically update the VS2017  and I am currently on 15.9.3 Professional. I also have Coderush set to automatically update and it is currently CodeRush for Roslyn
Since the last update (CodeRush or VS - not sure), I am getting a problem as follows:
I have a Winforms app that I have developed over the years and I peridoically update it as required. If I have CodeRush enabled and start to debug the app, I never get to any break points and VS 2017 completely hangs until I kill the process that I am debugging. If I disable CodeRush, everything returns to normal. I already have the Debug Visualizer disabled.
Can you suggest a nything to resolve this problem?
Many thanks

Show previous comments (2)
Chris Gorringe 6 years ago

    Hi Alex
    Further investigation has shown this:

    1. Once I ge the probelm in elevated mode, the problem then appears in non-elevated mode.
    2. I have tracked down the line of code that is starting the problem. Clipboard.SetDataObject("sometext"); As this point, the debugger leaves this line highlighted and gets stuck. If I remark this line out, debugging works fine.

    Is there a clipboard monitor or somesuch in CR that may be getting stuck and how can I tell?

    DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago


      Great, thank you for the investigation. Yes, CodeRush indeed has a clipboard monitor, it is used in a clipboard history feature.
      I have reproduced this issue with the Clipboard.SetDataObject code. I think we can disable a clipboard monitor when debugging. Please give us some time to address this.

      CG CG
      Chris Gorringe 6 years ago

        I am so gald that I raised this as an issue and persevered with trying to work out what was causing it.
        Let me know when you have a fix.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 6 years ago

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

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