This false positive is only reported, when using an OrElse-Condition in a Null-Check an using the checked variable in a For-Each-Statement. Please see following example:
Visual BasicPublic Class Class1
Public Function Foo() As Integer
Dim list As String() = Nothing
If (list Is Nothing) OrElse (list.Count = 0) Then
list = {"Item"}
End If
'CRR0027 (false positive)
For Each listItem As String In list
'Do something
'No CRR0027
Return list.Count
End Function
Public Function Bar() As Integer
Dim list As String() = Nothing
If (list Is Nothing) Then
list = {"Item"}
ElseIf (list.Count = 0) Then
list = {"Item"}
End If
'No CRR0027
For Each listItem As String In list
'Do something
'No CRR0027
Return list.Count
End Function
End Class
Hi Robert,
Thank you for providing the code sample. I have reproduced this issue with the "Possible System.NullReferenceException" diagnostic false positive. We are working on it and will notify you on our progress.