Bug Report T647768
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NUnit + Derived Test classes causes issues in test runner

created 7 years ago

Different issues that could be related:

  1. After executing the tests in the attached project, you are not able to click and go to the code of testcases defined in BaseClass. Try clicking, for example,  IntTests>BaseClass3(1)

  2. TestCases don't have the "run test icon" in the code window. In the case of tests defined in a concrete class (like FloatTests>FloatTest2), there's only one icon for all three test cases. For TestsCases in the BaseClass no icon is shown.

  3. The number of test icons is sometimes wrong in the baseclass. To demonstrate this, uncomment BaseClass>BaseClass3 and notice some tests will have 3 run icons. The test runner window may also show "phantom" tests when this happens. (in my case BaseClass2 gets duplicated everywhere)

I tried to have clear ways to reproduce it but sometimes these behaviors are a bit erratic. Adding more changes may make it easier to trigger the problems I'm seeing.

Comments (1)
DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago


    Thank you for the report, project, and steps to reproduce. I can reproduce this wrong behavior. Please give us some time to fix these issues.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 7 years ago (modified 7 years ago)

    We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

    Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

      Show previous comments (2)

        My supplied example code works fine now but my real project still has issues when clicking a testcase from Test Runner (doesn't go to the source). I'll have to spend some time trying to create a new case that reproduces what I see now.

        Since your fix works for the code I supplied I'm inclined to just mark this patch a solution, but I may have to create a new case if I manage to find a way to reproduce what I see now. How do you think it's better for you: close this one and potentially create another one, or leave it open for further developments?

        Regardless, thanks for the quick turnaround on my report. :)

        DevExpress Support Team 7 years ago


          Thank you for keeping us informed of your progress.
          I think that it will be better if you create a new ticket with a new simple project and reproduce this new problem in it. Thank you for your cooperation.

            Ok. I'll later try to get it reproduced and mark this as "solved".


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