I have followed the suggestions in T612320 to resolve CodeRush causing a slow typing response in my editor.
With CodeRush Disabled in Tools/Extensions And Updates I get a real time typing experience much like all the other applications such as notepad, etc.
Disabled one at a time. Restarted VS 2017 after each selection change
CodeRush/Options/Editor/Code Issues Catalog
C# and VB
Unused member
Empty event handler
CodeRush/Options/Unit Testing/Test Runner
Test Runner
CodeRush Quick Setup
Code Metrics (already Disabled)
Debug Visualizer (Helped a little)
Member Icons
Region Painting
Structural Highlighting
Show Color (already disabled)
Spell Checker (Helped a little)
Structural Navigation (already disabled)
Still have a sluggish typing response.
Rebooted computer
Typing response seemed a bit better
I went to re-enable CodeRush Options starting with
Sluggish performance again.
Can you help?
I am concerned to hear that you faced this issue. If I understand it correctly, it starts when you enable IntelliRush, right?
To help us determine what causes this issue, please provide us with additional information:
1. CodeRush log files that are located in the following folder by default: *%localappdata%\CodeRush\Logs*
2. Please use PerfView tool from Microsoft to collect trace data during the slowdown and send it to us for research.
To do so, please install the PerfView tool and perform the steps shown in the screencast.
It would be great if your provide us with separate PerfView logs for enabled and disabled Region Painting.
I suggest you upload the log files to our FTP. Use the following credentials for this:
Server: downloads.devexpress.com
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
I uploaded a zip (CodeRush Logs and PerfView Captures) containing 3 files. Logs, PerfViewData with both Enabled and Disabled Region Painting.
Thank you.
Thank you, please give us some time to research the perf view traces and log files.
In the meantime could you please make a screencast using the Jinq Tool and send it to us?
This way we can see what is happening in the code editor before and after disabling features.
I just created a screencast AS MP4 from a screencast tool I already have installed. Let me know if you cannot view it. Uploaded to the ftp site as 'VS typing slowdown.mp4'
I can see the slowdown in your video. Thank you for providing the additional information. Would you please clarify how many lines of code there are in the file you are editing in the video?
I am going to create a similar file in terms of the count of lines and see if I can duplicate this issue on my side.
2921 Lines (including blank lines)
I can reproduce this issue using a code file with about 3000 lines of code and when regions are heavily used. Please give us some time to address this issue.
We have found several places where regions painting performance can be improved and we have made several changes to address this.
Would you please try the following daily build and check how it performs?
I look forward to your results.