When porting code from a previous .NET 4.7.1 application I encountered the following problem:
When the unit tests projects are .NET Standard/Core projects the unit tests are detected but not executed.
There is already a support ticket for this issue that seems to be resolved. Maybe it will be included in the next version.
As a workaround I changed the test projects to .NET 4.7.1 as target framework.
Afterwards the tests are executed again unless they are inherited from a base class that is located in another assembly.
When placing the base class in the same assembly everything works fine.
This functionality worked fine in the past (even across assemblies) if all projects are referencing .NET 4.7.1 as target framework.
I attached a Demo project and screenshots of a loca test run (Run all)
Kind regards
Hello Wolfgang,
Thank you for your code sample.
I have reproduced exactly the same behavior.
And, it seems that this issue is not related to the project's target framework.
In your project, the test from the DemoBaseTest class does not run because it is abstract and inherited by the DemoTest class in a different assembly (Demo.Tests).
The test from the LocalDemoBaseTest class runs, because it is inherited by the LocalDemoTest class in the same assembly (Demo.Tests).
Here is a screencast that illustrates how it works if we inherit the DemoBaseTest1 class to the same assembly as the DemoBaseTest class (DemoBase.Tests): https://www.screencast.com/t/MrTe8QuFQ
So, the issue appears because we do not recognize tests in the DemoBaseTest class when handling the DemoTest class.
We will research this issue and let you know as soon as we make any progress.