Bug Report T548278
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Code Analysis - CRR0026 diagnostic works incorrectly for empty methods used in assignments

created 8 years ago

In some cases, we pass delegates around to allow information flow from one place to the other (using properties than can be set, but need not be). However, CRR0026 ("The '$name' parameter is never used and can be deleted") still shows up in those cases (both when using a property or field). Invoking the refactoring breaks compilation, as the assignments are not implicitly possible anymore.


private Action<object, bool> _thisIsMarkedAsUnused; public void Test() { Action<object, bool> thisIsntUnused = NotUnused; _thisIsMarkedAsUnused = ShouldNotBeUnused; } private void NotUnused(object p) // no CRR0026 (which is correct) { Console.WriteLine("I'm not using the parameter 'p' here."); } private void ShouldNotBeUnused(object p) // CRR0026 (incorrect; the object parameter is required for the signature) { Console.WriteLine("I'm not using the parameter 'p' here either."); }

Using a local apparently triggers a different code path than fields and properties; which might be a problem for the incorrect suggestion that the parameter can be removed.

I didn't see any issues with events at this point, but then again the only reason this isn't an event is because it returns a value and thus isn't really suited for multicast delegates.

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

    Hi Emanuel,
    Thank you for the code snippet. I agree that it's bug and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.

    EW EW
    Emanuel Wlaschitz 8 years ago

      Not sure if you'd prefer a separate ticket for this, but I did find a problem with events (or rather, event handler).
      Visual Studios CodeLens shows 1 reference, but CRR insists that the event handler is unused.

      This only happens for empty event handlers and event handlers that throw exceptions (but don't do anything else).

      public event EventHandler<EventArgs> EmptyHandler; public event EventHandler<EventArgs> ThrowingHandler; public void Test() { EmptyHandler += OnEmptyHandler; ThrowingHandler += OnThrowingHandler; EmptyHandler?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); ThrowingHandler?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void OnEmptyHandler(object sender, EventArgs ea) // CRR0026 { // intentionally left blank } private void OnThrowingHandler(object sender, EventArgs ea) // CRR0026 { throw new NotSupportedException("This should not happen for " + sender.ToString()); }

      I can get behind the first one (because doing nothing in the event handler looks strange; and in fact the only place where this happens for me has a big "TODO" next to it), but I'm not too sure about the second one. Doing anything else than just the exception in there (like a Console.WriteLine, a null-check or anything) makes the message disappear.
      Use case for the second kind of event handler is a "something happened" event that should log in one place, do nothing in another but abort the action in a third location (which all use the same event raiser, but handle it differently).
      It feels as if the second case should specifically check for NotImplementedException on a generated event handler that is yet to be updated with proper code; but instead triggers for any kind of exception being thrown unconditionally.

      DevExpress Support Team 8 years ago

        I've created a separate ticket on your behalf - "Empty Event Handler" analyzer should be implemented in CodeRush for Roslyn. It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 8 years ago

        We have fixed the issue described in this ticket and will include the fix in our next maintenance update. To apply this solution before the official update, request a hotfix by clicking the corresponding link for product versions you require.

        Note: Hotfixes may be unavailable for beta versions and updates that are about to be released.

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