[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T531031: Formatting - Array initializers are formatted incorrectly]
Hi Alex,
Just spotted something else with the formatting, but not sure if you want to split this off into a different ticket or not.
I have the following bit of code:
Every time I press the code clean up button the bottom 3 lines of the above code gets indented by ONE SPACE
After one press:
After pressing 15 times:
I have found that this issue stops and doesn't happen if I UNTICK the "Parameters" formatting wrapping option. So only when this is ticked it does the above.
My settings for Parameters are currently;
Tolerance : 0 and No wrap at all
Further testing shows if I set Wrap Open Paren to NO Wrap or "Wrap if long/multiline) then the problem happens, if set to wrap then it doesn't happen.
(Please move this to a new ticket if you wish).