[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T286388: Really miss the "Break arguments apart" and "Liine-up arguments" functionality from classic CodeRush]
I'm not sure if I should start a new thread or not, but I've recently started using this option in CRR and I'm also getting the same issue - I'm on the latest version of CRR - 17.1.4
I've included a screen shot of the output as the code formatting on here doesn't show it - I've tied all 3 options in the options and they produce the same results.
However if I create a new method and copy the message box in there, the 2nd option "Follow the first parameter/argument" seems to work, but the first option doesn't. Note I use TABS rather than spaces in my code if that makes a difference.
Something strange with it.
Hi Alan,
Thank you for pointing out this issue. I see that an indent is calculated by the 'Break Apart Arguments/Parameters' refactoring incorrectly when the 'Keep tabs' option is enabled. We will solve it in the next update.
Excellent news - thanks for the quick reply :)
You are welcome :)
Excellent, thanks guys! Not urgent so I'll wait for the next update. they seem to be quite often anyway, which is good!
You are welcome, Alan!