I don't know if this is by design or not because I've only recently been trying to force myself to use Intellirush so that I can compare against R#. I have noticed that Intellirush will cause an extra period to be put on my attached properties when I'm typing the attached property into an element.
For instance,
When I type:
<Label Grid .
Intellirush adds a period for me even though I have completely typed the word Grid. So I end up with:
<Label Grid …
I don't think that Intellirush should be adding an extra period.
I've also noticed that if I use the . to complete after typing just Gr then it will add an extra period as well. This is not how the Intellirush auto-completion stuff works for me anywhere else, including in non-Attached Property contexts.
Attached properties are the only place I've noticed Intellirush acting funny in Xaml. Intellirush seems to be okay with Element level completions. (Label.Style, etc)
Thank you for the detailed explanation of the issue. I have reproduced it locally on my machine.
We will address it as soon as possible. Please give us some time.