[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T463369: Test Runner - It is impossible to debug tests using VS2015 Community Update3 and XUnit 2.1]
This is still partially broken in v16.2.3.16356
Close the solution with the tests.
Open the solution.
Go to the Test Runner screen.
All tests should show the blue "without state" icon.
Right click the specific parameterized test and choose run.
The first time, this will fail with the error message posted by https://www.devexpress.com/Support/Center/Question/Details/T463747
Right click, Run again, now it works.
Hi Kyle,
Thank you for contacting us.
Would you please give me more details on the problem you are experiencing?
Are you using XUnit or NUnit? This is not exactly clear from your reply. The initial T463369 ticket relates to XUnit but you refer to the T463747 ticket, which describes the problem with the NUnit tests.
I've tried to reproduce the problem with steps you gave us but TestRunner runs the parameterized tests well. Please take a look at the video I recorded and let us know if my test scenario is not the same as yours.
Hi Eugene, it's NUnit. Sorry, I got confused because another tech linked the two tickets together as duplicates or something. I assumed the fix worked for both.
Here's a video showing the issue.
Hi Kyle,
Thank you for giving us more details.
I replicated your test scenario and was able to catch the problem.
Please give us some time for research. You will be notified once the corrections are ready.