[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T432389: Simplify name, remove unneccessary cast and this qualifier for all occurrences in a document]
It does not appear to work very well, using my CodeRush settings anyway.I don't see a refactoring invokable from the context menu that does this, but it seems to be available in the code-cleanup, "Remove reduntant type qualifier". However, consider the following program:
C#using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication38
class Program
System.DateTime dateTime;
void Test()
System.DateTime s = DateTime.Now;
When I run CodeCleanup on this using the attached settings, the following is the result:
C#using System;
namespace ConsoleApplication38
internal class Program
private System.DateTime dateTime;
private void Test()
System.DateTime s = DateTime.Now;
Note that the redundant "System" qualifier of the DateTime variables are still there.
Hi Peter,
I managed to reproduce this issue.
The "Remove Type Qualifier" code action is available in lightbulb menu, but it seems that it is not available in some scenarios.
I have attached a screencast that illustrates this.
We will fix this issue and notify you as soon as we have any results.