I found something really horrible when coding in VB.NET with CodeRush enabled. CodeRush is doing autocomplete on keyword If. If you write "If" and space, CodeRush will create whole If…Then…End If block. In countless places in my code, I am using single line If statement, like:
Visual BasicIf x <= 5 Then Return x
CodeRush is ruining all these attempts and every time creates full block, which must be manually corrected.
Please remove this functionality or at least give option to disable it.
Visual BasicREM CodeRushed:
If x <= 5 Then
Return x
End If
Thanks for pointing out this issue. The behavior you described is the result of applying the 'if' CodeRush template. We agree that a single line expansion will be more useful for this template and will correct it in the next update. In the meantime, you can make these changes yourself by performing these steps: