I use TcxDBImage (data aware) in several forms.
Up to now, using the built in "load from file" popupmenu i was loading an image from file and it was posted in a dataset.
With "Assign from camera" i can see the image at runtime, but as i try to post it (calling dataset.post) it is lost.
I found this workaround:
on the editvaluchaged event i call cxDBIamge1.PostEditValue.
and this seems to work.
Anyway i think that "Load from file" (once the image has been chosen in opendialog) and "Assign from camera" (once the image has been "assigned" with the dedicated button) should bo th behave the same.
Is this a small issue you should fix?
Is my workaround safe enough?
Thank you.
a "runtime workaround" is to click on any other control (=change focus) on the form, this works too but it is not a solution.
Ideally TcxDBImage.ImmediatePost should have worked, i tried it but with no success.
Hello Francesco,
Thank you for your report. I have reproduced the described behavior and forwarded this ticket to our developers for research.
Good that you reproduced, i was not able on a sample (just in my real application). Will you notify if this generates a dx issue? Could you please tell me if my workaround is safe to use?
Most likely we will fix this problem in the context of this ticket so assigning an image from a camera will work the same way as loading an image from a file. If we face any troubles while fixing this issue, I will notify you. Meanwhile, if the workaround you found works OK for you, you are free to use it.
Could you please anticipate me whether there will be 14.2.6 or 15.1.0 only?
I am afraid that I do not have any dates for these releases. The only thing I can say is that we are going to release 15.1.1 this summer.
ok, thanks, i'll keep an eye on this ticket.