Bug Report T1253910
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Spell Checker - High memory and CPU usage in a big solution

created 5 months ago

Hi, I recently started noticing that when I have CodeRush enabled, the ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService.exe is using a lot of memory and is constantly using CPU causing the fan of my laptop to be quite loud.

Currently it's constantly using 5-10% cpu and is using almost 14GB of memory (while typing this message it went from below 13.5GB to 14.3GB when I'm not even doing anything). When I first open the solution at work, which is quite big at around 250 projects, the memory usage is around 5-6GB. But when I start working then it just keeps increasing and is never going down. Also opening VS suggestions is taking a lot of time.

When I disabled the CodeRush extension, the memory usage is around 3GB with the same solution and is not increasing constantly and suggestions are also much faster.
I tried to gather a log with the performance monitor, but when I stop collecting the logs then a log file is never written to or displayed.

How can we find out what is causing this memory usage?

Show previous comments (12)
Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 3 months ago


    Thank you very much for your testing and confirmation. I will close this issue as fixed.
    Do you mind if we make this ticket public so that we can include it in the list of fixed issues for the next release?

    P P
    Peter de Bruine 1 3 months ago

      Sure no problem, you can make this ticket public.

      PW PW
      Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 3 months ago

        Thank you!

        Answers approved by DevExpress Support

        created 3 months ago

        We have addressed the issue described in this ticket and will include a fix in our next maintenance update. Should you need to apply our fix prior to official release, you can request a hotfix here.

        Important Notes:

        • Hotfixes may be unavailable for Early Access/Beta builds or updates set for release within a week.
        • .NET only: in the NuGet Package Manager, use your personal NuGet feed and check the "Include prerelease" option to view the hotfix package in the "Updates" tab.

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