Bug Report T1161896
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Convert to Ternary Expression refactoring introduces changes in code behavior

created 2 years ago (modified 2 years ago)

There is a subtle bug in convert if statement to ternary expression.
Consider the code below.
AfterRefactor is method after if statement has been refactored to ternary expression. It looks fine, but it has a subtle different behavior - the return type is long instead of an int.
Value 1 should be cast to object to make it correct, like
return flag ? (object)1 : (long)0;

Console.WriteLine(Tubo.Properly(true).GetType().Name); Console.WriteLine(Tubo.AfterRefactor(true).GetType().Name); internal class Tubo { public static object Properly(bool flag) { if (flag) { return (int)1; } else { return (long)0; } } public static object AfterRefactor(bool flag) { return flag ? (int)1 : (long)0; } }
Comments (1)
Przemyslaw Wlodarczak (DevExpress) 2 years ago


    I reproduced this behavior. We will research it and update this thread as soon as we have news.

    Answers approved by DevExpress Support

    created 2 years ago

    We have addressed the issue described in this ticket and will include a fix in our next maintenance update. Should you need to apply our fix prior to official release, you can request a hotfix here.

    Important Notes:

    • Hotfixes may be unavailable for Early Access/Beta builds or updates set for release within a week.
    • .NET only: in the NuGet Package Manager, use your personal NuGet feed and check the "Include prerelease" option to view the hotfix package in the "Updates" tab.

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