This is an example of Code Places for a ts file. The layout is too busy for me and it makes it hard and confusing to use. The only purpose for this feature for me is to find the property or method I am interested in in the code.
There are too many boxes. Boxes inside boxes. I don't care to see the parameters or return types of methods. Unless these methods are overloaded, I don't want to show parameters and return types. They just make the Code Places busy for no good reason. Or at least put a user setting to collapse these inner boxes by default. Something like Collapse All for whatever creates the inner boxes. Collapse All collapses everything to just the namespace name. I am not sure what benefit this has.
I selected sorting by kind then name, yet I am seeing methods interspersed with properties. Plus properties and methods/functions both have the same wrench icon. I see some properties then some methods in boxes then properties then boxes… I would like to see the two groups separated. All the pure properties at the top then all the methods below it.
A setting to hide the icons as well. I am looking for a minimalist view. One property or method name per line and hide everything else. This also alleviates scrolling in big files with many properties and methods. (method or function).
Maybe you can pass these suggestions to Mark Miller.
Thank you for pointing this issue out and for the screenshot.
We agree that Code Places produces a lot of borders for TypeScript members which contain anonymous functions. We discussed this behavior with the team and decided to make it so that the Code Places feature doesn't show items for anonymous functions inside a member of a TypeScript class.
For example, let's take the following code sample:
class Test { cancel = (): void => { console.log("cancel"); } }
In this case, the "cancel" item without nested items will be shown for the "cancel" property. It will have a property icon and will be grouped with other properties in this class. Please let us know whether this behavior is what you expect.
I think that would work. I only use Code Places for quick navigation so the inner details (properties and functions) for each function are not important for me to visible. They can be hidden or collapsed.
Thank you for your clarification.