I have a program (Delphi XE5) that runs automatically and produces a number of charts which it prints to pdf. this runs fine on my Windows 7 PC when run on a schedule from our Win 2003 server the print quality is very poor. running on the server manually the print preview quality is also poor. both have the latest Acrobat installed.
Is this a known problem, and is there a fix?
thanks in advance.
Dr John
From what I gather, you are using our <ReportLink>.ExportToPDF function to create a PDF file. Would you please provide us with a small sample project and a PDF sample so we can examine it, and test the demo on our side. We will do our best to find a solution for you.
I have extracted essential bits from my project into a simple test project in the attached.
I have use the same exe to generated 2 pdfs from both my PC (Win 7) and from our Win 2003 server so you can see the differences.
Yes, I could have generated the top chart using DevExpress components - I used TChart beacuse I had to use it to generate the bottom chart since I am still waiting for you to provide a chart with a secondary vertical axis - buts thats as old as waiting for up-to-date Excel exports.
Thank you very much for your demo. Would you please provide us with some additional information?
Thank you very much for your additional info. We have reproduced this behavior with 16 bit color + LayoutControl report link. I have forwarded this ticket to our developers for further research.