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Version History
New Major Features
Resolved Issues
This list includes all issues that were resolved in 15.1.8.
ASP.NET Bootstrap
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
All ASP.NET Core products
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
ASP.NET Core Bootstrap
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
- T296498 – ASP.NET Demos - Layout is changed unexpectedly in the "Clinical Study" demo
All ASP.NET MVC products
- T299946 – "c is undefined" or "Cannot read property 'options' of undefined" JavaScript error occurs if unobtrusive validation is enabled and there are two forms and one of them is reloaded dynamically
- T295897 – ASPxDocumentViewer - Uncaught TypeError occurs during text search when ASPxDocumentViewer.SettingsReportViewer.UseIFrame is disabled
- T195586 – ASPxReportDesigner / MVCxReportDesigner - Provide a capability to use custom fonts
- T294450 – ASPxWebDocumentViewer - Export of a document into XLS/XLSX formats discards custom control text introduced in the BeforePrint event handler
- T293180 – Callback aware extensions do not allow sending custom data to a request in some scenarios
- T281979 – Documentation - Add a note that all extensions that support uploading files should be placed inside a form
- T292893 – Web Report Designer - Customization applied to a field list is reset after the report wizard is run
- T294412 – Web Report Designer - It is not possible to assign a filter to XRChart series
- T294949 – Web Report Designer - It is not possible to specify the Series.SummaryFunction property value for the XRChart control
- T293023 – Web Report Designer - Text input box is not focused after double-clicking the XRLabel control in the designer surface
Data Access Library
- T298444 – Data Access Library - An unhandled error occurs when reloading data if the data loading procedure was cancelled at runtime
- T298315 – Data Source Wizard - Connection credentials are requested twice on an attempt to connect to an unreachable database engine
- T305681 – Data Source Wizard - Disable the "Database" combo box if the Firebird provider is chosen
- T298314 – Data Source Wizard - Error text is almost unreadable in dark Visual Studio theme
- T295901 – Report DataSource Wizard throws the InvalidCastException on an attempt to connect to the MySQL database
MVC Chart
- T282920 – There is no capability to localize values shown in the Crosshair panel
MVC Data Editors
- T289848 – ASP.NET MVC - "Value is not the name of an existing type" exception is thrown when MicrosoftAjax scripts are registered using bundle
- T289751 – Button - Tab key navigation does not work (button does not accept focus) in the jQuery UI dialog
- T294579 – ComboBox - AllowHtml attribute does not work and "A potentially dangerous Request.Form..." error is thrown on data submit
- T295655 – GridLookup - Selected value is not synchronized on the client side in Custom Data Binding mode
- T291786 – GridLookup - The client-side ValueChanged event is not raised when changing a value via keyboard without opening the dropdown
- T304921 – Throwing an empty server-side exception results in raising a client-side "TypeError: resultObj is undefined" error
- T305220 – TokenBox cuts an input string if Properties.NullText is set
MVC GridView
- T295564 – ASPxGridView in Batch Editing mode - Keyboard navigation operates incorrectly if the last column is disabled and the first column is the command column (focus is lost when it should be switched to the command link)
- T265702 – GridView - Batch Edit - A CheckBox column's editor moves upward during editing
- T293027 – GridView - GridViewExtension.GetEditValue<T> method does not return correct values for DateTime? property
- T287559 – GridView - It is impossible to edit data when a composite key is used and contains '|' character
- T295446 – GridView - The AllowFixedGroups property causes a JavaScript error in the GridViewFixedGroupsHelper.SetGroupRowCellsWidth method when a pager is enabled
- T290905 – GridView - The Caption property doesn't affect editor captions in the EditForm
- T296229 – GridView - The GetEditValue method returns a string value for the BinaryImageEdit column
- T293155 – GridView - The GridViewExtension.GetViewModel method causes the "Unexpected 'v' at 0" exception if the Name property equals CookiesID
- T294376 – GridView - The UnselectFilterRows function throws the "UnselectFilteredItemsCore is not defined" error
MVC HtmlEditor
- T306059 – HtmlEditor - An uploaded image path is constructed incorrectly when a URL contains different route tokens
MVC Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Extensions
- T305162 – An icon specified via the IconID property isn't loaded via a callback
- T306977 – DockPanel is redocked after a double-click when AllowedDockState is DockedOnly
- T298739 – FormLayout - Button Item is not centered in IE when the ShowCaption property is set to false
- T298524 – ImageZoom - The client-side "this.zoomWindow is null" error occurs in 15.1.7
- T295187 – UploadControl - Uploading an empty file into Azure results in the "BadRequest RequestResult: InvalidHeaderValueThe value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format." error
MVC Pivot Grid
- T290577 – Pivot Grid area is truncated when the Virtual Scrolling option is enabled (Internet Explorer)
MVC RichEdit
- T296224 – RichEdit - The RichEditExtension.SaveCopy method returns the previous document state on a custom callback
- T284330 – RichEditControl - Cursor increases its height when text is typed and Bootstrap styles are registered
- T300394 – RichEditControl - It is impossible to open a document using the Open button after opening another document on a custom callback
MVC Scheduler
- T296507 – Navigation in the MVCxScheduler view operates incorrectly when an end-user clicks the "Previous" button in the DateNavigator control
- T295871 – The SchedulerSettings.OptionsBehavior.ClientTimeZoneId property value is not taken into account on the initial rendering of the MVC TimeZoneEdit editor
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
ASP.NET Web Forms
- T295057 – ASPxGridView - Performance Demo - Actual number of records does not match the number specified in the demo
- T309285 – The "Server-Side Resizing" and "Binary Image Editing" demos do not operate correctly
- T290701 – ASPxCardView - "Multiple controls with the same ID" error occurs when two layout items with an undefined ColumnName and defined templates are used
- T293325 – ASPxCardView - Scrollbar position is changed after card editing
- T280222 – ASPxListBox - Additional text is selected on a page when an item is clicked and the Shift key is pressed
- T303735 – ASPxPopupControl does not appear on an HTML button click after a callback
- T282686 – ASPxSpinEdit - Certain CurrencyNegativePattern formats are not supported
- T296665 – ASPxTextBox - Requests cause unexpected behavior if a textbox has a date mask
- T301183 – ASPxTextBox - The IE Clear button does not work in a narrow window when NullText is used
- T292356 – ASPxTokenBox - Dropdown is shown after a token is selected when the ShowDropDownOnFocus property is set to Never
- T293677 – ASPxTokenBox - It is impossible to select a token when it is completely typed in the lower case when AllowCustomTokens="false"
- T297260 – ASPxTokenBox calculates its dimensions incorrectly when its width is 100% and it is placed in HTML table
- T291501 – ASPxTokenBox has incorrect values if TextField contains special characters
- T302711 – ASPxTokenBox – The validation error isn't hidden after a token is selected
- T266805 – Documentation - ASPxComboBox - Add a note that the DateTime value type is not fully supported
- T298433 – Section 508/WCAG accessibility - NVDA screen reader does not read ASPxButton text in Chrome, FireFox
ASPxGauges Suite
- T302253 – Remove the Ignis and Haze presets from the design-time gallery in ASP.NET
- T296660 – ASPxBinaryImage - "ASPx.SEClick is not a function" JavaScript error if the ASPxClientBinaryImage.Click event is handled
- T293425 – ASPxGridLookup inside a grid's EditItemTemplate displays empty column values after filtering
- T307337 – ASPxGridView - "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when a complex KeyFieldName is used
- T303255 – ASPxGridView - An image in GridViewDataBinaryImageColumn is lost after unsuccessful validation if the PropertiesBinaryImage > EditingSettings > Enabled option is not set
- T288872 – ASPxGridView - Batch Edit - It is not possible to leave a cell during the new row creation if there is a cell marked as "Required" and AllowEndEditOnValidationError is set to false
- T279832 – ASPxGridView - Batch Edit - Keyboard navigation (Tab key) doesn't work if one cell is disabled for editing in Row edit mode
- T294030 – ASPxGridView - CheckAll checkbox is disabled when all groups are collapsed
- T289882 – ASPxGridView - Column resizing works incorrectly in Internet Explorer 11 when zoom is enabled
- T297870 – ASPxGridView - Custom command buttons are rendered incorrectly when Styles.Native is set to True
- T297627 – ASPxGridView - Drop-down editors' layout is broken in FilterRow if the StylesEditors.ButtonEditCellSpacing property is set to 0 after hotfix is installed
- T222043 – ASPxGridView - Grid renders a double border between band and other columns when Pager is displayed at the top
- T288114 – ASPxGridView - GridViewDataDateColumn returns a date string to the default format when editing in Batch mode
- T264400 – ASPxGridView - How to move focus to the next row by pressing Enter in BatchEdit mode
- T302833 – ASPxGridView - It is impossible to localize the Search Panel's null text using satellite assemblies
- T288890 – ASPxGridView - Provide a method that allows finding template controls inside EditFormLayoutProperties.Items.GridViewColumnLayoutItem.Template
- T290738 – ASPxGridView - Scrollbar position is not saved after a column is added to CustomizationWindow
- T265248 – ASPxGridView - The e.visibleIndex property equals -1 in the client-side SelectionChanged event handler if a row is selected by a click (AllowSelectByRowClick="true")
- T292618 – ASPxGridView in Batch Mode - It is impossible to delete rows that have been just added
- T302506 – ASPxGridView is empty on being placed inside a collapsed ASPxRoundPanel with LoadContentViaCallback="true"
- T283025 – ASPxGridViewExporter - Custom formatting is not applied to summary cells in the XlsxExportOptionsEx.CustomizeCell event
- T276585 – ASPxGridViewExporter - Number-type values are exported in the Currency format
- T293398 – ASPxSpinEdit's value is increasing/decreasing infinitely when it is placed inside ASPxGridView's HeaderTemplate
- T301466 – ASPxTokenBox - Some characters are removed when typing using Unikey software
- T285053 – In IE7 Compatibility Mode ASPxComboBox does not have a value on a callback on the server side if it is disabled on the client side
- T297686 – ASPxGridView - Filter Builder shows incorrect operators for GridViewDataTokenBoxColumn
- T303152 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Uploaded image size is set incorrectly in Custom Size settings of the Insert Image dialog
- T295889 – ASPxHtmEditor - Undo/Redo functionality ignores space key presses
- T286672 – ASPxHtmlEditor - "Paste from Word" button is disabled in Microsoft Edge
- T293334 – ASPxHtmlEditor - A JavaScript error occurs when executing the DELETEELEMENT command on the TEXTAREA html element
- T303964 – ASPxHtmlEditor - An extra empty line is inserted on assigning a style
- T302865 – ASPxHtmlEditor - An image path is constructed incorrectly when the UploadImageFolder property refers to another server path
- T297205 – ASPxHtmlEditor - CSS styles are not applied correctly after pasting
- T297910 – ASPxHtmlEditor - CSS styles specified via the CssFiles property are missing after a callback in FireFox
- T307034 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Container element(s) is removed after changing the YouTube video properties
- T293452 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Copy from Word button is always disabled in Firefox 41.0
- T300888 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Direction of text selection produces different results in IE on applying custom styles to text
- T293878 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Editable HTML elements (INPUT, TEXTAREA, etc.) are not deleted by pressing the DEL button
- T295900 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Iframes are lost after pasting when PasteMode=MergeFormatting
- T293094 – ASPxHtmlEditor - List items (li) disappear from content pasted from Word in Merged formatting mode after switching to HTML view and back to Design
- T303408 – ASPxHtmlEditor - OK button does not become active in the Insert YouTube video dialog if the video URL is pasted via context menu
- T293327 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Pasted content contains hidden formatting fields in Chrome
- T290756 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Provide a way to use a custom FileSystemProvider in dialogs
- T298819 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Tag Inspector works incorrectly during view loading in certain cases
- T296118 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Text is not pasted from Word in Merged formatting mode
- T288536 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Text pasted from MS Word keeps a format if "Remove font family" is checked
- T292493 – ASPxHtmlEditor - The CommandExecuted and CustomCommand events aren't raised on the first load in Chrome when the editor is focused by default
- T293100 – ASPxHtmlEditor - The Enter key works incorrectly in Chrome
- T301456 – ASPxHtmlEditor - The Fullscreen button does not work before the control is clicked
- T299224 – ASPxHtmlEditor - The Undo button is not active after the Cut operation has been performed
- T298942 – ASPxHtmlEditor - The Undo command clears contents in Firefox if the editor is reloaded using a callback
- T292467 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Uploading cannot be canceled in InsertImageDialog
- T299671 – ASPxHtmlEditor scrolls the design view area to the top if a user clicks an INPUT element in certain cases
- T298856 – ASPxHtmlEditor works incorrectly if it receives focus before a document is loaded
- T165144 – Documentation - Update the ASPxClientHtmlEditor.CustomCommand topic
- T297812 – NullReferenceException is thrown if ASPxHtmlEditor.SettingsForms.SpellCheckerForms contains User Control links
- T293774 – Text pasted from MS Word is incorrectly formatted in ASPxHtmlEditor
- S37769 – Pager - Add the capability to exclude the Grand total item from Total items count
- T280975 – ASPxRichEdit - Document content is lost after a callback
- T294536 – ASPxRichEdit - Field result is not shown on exporting data to PDF
- T291309 – ASPxRichEdit - Ruler tabs don't work after "Update All Fields" click
- T310617 – ASPxRichEdit - StackOverflowException is thrown when a document with a comment is loaded
- T292774 – ASPxRichEdit - The first line of the justified numbering list is rendered incorrectly
- T289035 – Text copied from ASPxRichEdit is pasted into Word with incorrect line breaks
ASPxScheduler Suite
- T304733 – "Dragged" appointment width is calculated incorrectly in the TimeLine view when the SnapToCellsMode property equals the Never value
- T299679 – ASPxScheduler has a wrong category of events in the Properties window
- T282003 – When the ASPxSchedulerControl.OptionsBehavior.ShowCurrentTime property is set to Always, it overrides the TimeRuler.ShowCurrentTime property value
- T302280 – ASPxClientSpellChecker.WordChanged event fires after the "Ignore Once" or "Ignore All" options are selected in the Check Spelling dialog
- T305913 – ASPxSpreadsheet - Color is not applied when a custom cell format is used with conditions
- T293176 – ASPxSpreadsheet - Incorrect Italian translation of the ASPxSpreadsheetStringId.ConfirmOnLosingChanges key
- T303283 – ASPxSpreadsheet - KeyNotFoundException occurs in a deployed application in certain conditions
- T260850 – ASPxSpreadsheet - Virtual keyboard is activated unexpectedly in the component on iOS
- T295167 – DevExpress assemblies are added to the "compilation" section with the "configSource" attribute (Web.config)
All ASP.NET Web Forms products
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T295872 – ASPxDocumentViewer - "Invalid callback result" exception is thrown when the SettingsReportViewer.PageByPage property is disabled
- T297752 – ASPxDocumentViewer - "Object doesn't support property or method 'hasOwnProperty'" exception is thrown on the client in Internet Explorer
- T286174 – ASPxReportDesigner doesn't change the control's Z index (the 'Bring to front' and 'Send to back' commands)
- T295554 – ASPxWebDocumentViewer - Image assinged by the ImageUrl property is not displayed in the Subreport
- T299551 – ASPxWebDocumentViewer jumps back to the first page when DocumentMap is refreshed
- T295289 – DevExpress styles are rendered after custom ones after upgrading from v14.2 to v15.1
- T263170 – Hybrid App - The on-screen keyboard should be automatically invoked when the demo runs on tablet devices
- T292981 – Not all controls are displayed in VS2015 toolbox
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T301920 – SharePoint 2013 - It is impossible to import the DevExpress Web Part to a SharePoint site
- T304885 – Web Report Designer - Query/DataSource editing buttons are not visible in the designer if the data source was created by a wizard
- T299411 – Web Report Designer - There is no Landscape property in the Page Settings section
- T305167 – Web Report Designer does not provide the capability to create the OnGetValue script for CalculatedFields
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
Data Access Library
- T298444 – Data Access Library - An unhandled error occurs when reloading data if the data loading procedure was cancelled at runtime
- T298315 – Data Source Wizard - Connection credentials are requested twice on an attempt to connect to an unreachable database engine
- T305681 – Data Source Wizard - Disable the "Database" combo box if the Firebird provider is chosen
- T298314 – Data Source Wizard - Error text is almost unreadable in dark Visual Studio theme
- T295901 – Report DataSource Wizard throws the InvalidCastException on an attempt to connect to the MySQL database
Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls
- T296860 – ASPxFileManager - An exception occurs when FileManagerActionEventArgsBase.Cancel is set to True
- T291164 – ASPxFileManager - File is not selected on the server side on the first page load
- T295902 – ASPxFileManager - FileManagerItem.Id property returns Name and not Id when binding a control to a data source
- T283834 – ASPxFileManager - Invalid argument values are passed to the FolderCreated event handler when the folder in the file list is focused (the FileManagerSettingsFileList.ShowFolders option is enabled)
- T296133 – ASPxFileManager - It is impossible to select a file on the server side when a custom FileSystemProvider is used
- T288091 – ASPxFileManager - Script error is thrown when a selected item does not exist in the control hierarchy after a postback
- T293523 – ASPxFileManager - The FileDownloading event is not raised when the control is bound to cloud services
- T281775 – ASPxFileManager - The client-side "ItemRenamed" event does not fire
- T293513 – ASPxFileManager - The e.fileName property is empty in the FileUploaded event on the client side when AutoStartUpload is set to true
- T295115 – ASPxFormLayout - Layout item caption is not aligned in the nested ASPxFormLayout control
- T285675 – ASPxImageGallery - "Cannot read property 'GetActiveItemIndex' of null" JavaScript error occurs when ASPxDashboardViewer is placed on a page
- T304570 – ASPxImageSlider - "GetNavigationBarStrategy is null" error occurs on page load
- T295038 – ASPxImageZoomNavigator - Thumbnail folder is rendered incorrectly when ASPxImageZoomNavigator is located in UserControl
- T293322 – ASPxMenu - Full-width submenu scrolls with content after upgrade to 15.1.7
- T299215 – ASPxMenu - Items with a submenu are shifted both in the main menu with vertical orientation and submenus
- T291487 – ASPxMenu - Submenu's vertical scrollbar overlaps a menu item text
- T299968 – ASPxMenu's HorizontalAlign property is not in effect
- T303522 – ASPxNewsControl - DateHorizontalPosition = Right has no effect
- T292820 – ASPxPageControl /MVC PageControl - Tab height is calculated incorrectly in Firefox
- T302732 – ASPxPageControl is rendered incorrectly in Chrome 46 on MAC OS 10.11
- T297662 – It's impossible to change an active ASPxDockPanel after adding a new panel and removing one of the existing panels on a callback
- T300244 – ASPxTitleIndex - The server-side ItemClick event is not raised when FilterBox is invisible
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
XtraCharts Suite
- T286218 – Axis - Holidays are not excluded in certain situations
- T292783 – Chart Designer is unexpectedly closed after selecting the Points node when creating a new Series
- T301353 – Crosshair Cursor - Points are highlighted if the corresponding Crosshair Panel element is hidden
- T294230 – Unhandled error occurs when modifying the newly-created Series name in Chart Designer
- T308358 – WebChartControl - Tooltip goes out of the screen boundaries and applies the horizontal scrollbar to a page
XtraPrinting Library
App Frameworks (UI, API, ORM)
.NET ORM Library (XPO)
- T302676 – InvalidCastException in the PostgreSqlConnectionProvider.CollectTablesToCreate method with npgsql 3.0.3 (PostgreSQL)
- T294274 – InvalidOperationException is thrown when the conditional operator is used to return a key value of different object types
- T290980 – LINQ-to-XPO throws InvalidOperationException when a query tries to expand a collection property
- T299820 – Optimize the prefetch operation for collection members of associations when associated persistent classes support deferred deletion
- T293008 – The IDataStoreSchemaExplorer.GetStorageTables method obtains database tables with no primary key information
- T285628 – Update PostgreSqlConnectionProvider to reflect breaking changes introduced in Npgsql 3.0.1
All App Frameworks (UI, API, ORM) products
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
Cross-Platform .NET App UI (XAF)
- T304861 – "Cannot resolve ClassInfo for type TypePermissionMatrixItem" error when XpoIntegratedCachedRequestSecurityAdapterProvider is used
- T295332 – 'How to: Customize the ReportDataV2 Class' Example (T154234 ) is not working for Web Application
- T289491 – ASPxGridListEditor - ListView column summary cannot be set as none because it reappears when the grid's pager is used
- T303983 – ASPxSchedulerListEdit.Setup method throws an exception when the String type is used as an object key
- T302374 – Application Model - A vertical layout items alignment is not saved if their layout group's Direction has been set to Horizontal previously
- T297080 – Avoid additional code when a custom image is provided through the ImageLoader.CustomGetImageInfo event in ASP.NET applications
- T306152 – DatePropertyEditor closes its popup on pressing Enter and immediately opens it again
- T286704 – GridListEditor - SynchronizeModel method is not called for custom synchronizers added on the CreateCustomModelSynchronizer event
- T306375 – Model Merge Tool - Splitter items are incorrectly merged to platform-independent modules
- T305883 – ModelDifferenceDbStore - The Copy Model Differences command with Copy Behavior = Merge can create two elements instead of one when it was removed on the previous layer and re-added on the next layer
- T303901 – New Web UI - Popup window is opened in the wrong position in Google Chrome in some circumstances
- T296003 – ObjectPropertyEditor - Provide the capability to easily specify a custom DetailView via the View property for the DetailView | Items or ListView | Columns node levels in the Application Model
- T301896 – RibbonControl - The Home ribbon page is missing after ribbon merging
- T295493 – Security strategy disables grouping by the UpCasted column in a list
- T291110 – The application hangs up when NavigationTabsActionContainer.GroupingStyle is set to ShowItemsAsTabs
- T305384 – UI.Web - Changes made in the first tab of a popup detail view window are not applied to the object when DelayedViewItemsInitialization=True
- T298527 – UI.Web - StateMachineController creates duplicated action buttons when View.ViewEditMode is set to Edit on controller activation
- T293891 – UI.Win - Different icons are shown in the confirmation dialog when it is invoked from root and nested views
- T286097 – Unexpected detail view layout differences are produced when the layout is customized via the CustomizeLayout command
- T301024 – Web SharedModelDifferences are overwritten by User differences during log off
- T304210 – Win - Low performance on opening the filtered ListView when GridControl is in Master-Detail mode
- T295556 – Win : FilterEditor does not work correctly on the second invocation after the initial filter is set
- T299903 – Win : Value in AutoFilterRow is cleared when ListView is refreshed
- T303205 – Workflow - Add an option to repeat the workflow multiple times while the target object fits criteria
- T297440 – Workflow - Improve performance when a large portion of data matches a workflow activity criterion
- T294495 – XAF.Web application hangs up when opening a third-level nested popup window
Business Intelligence
All Business Intelligence products
- T263170 – Hybrid App - The on-screen keyboard should be automatically invoked when the demo runs on tablet devices
Dashboard for MVC
- T290046 – MVC DashboardViewer - The ClientSideEvents.CallBackError event is not supported
- T291811 – Web Viewer - It is not possible to specify a color in the ARGB format using the ItemElementCustomColor event
Dashboard for Web Forms
- T300122 – Icon conditional formatting is not shown correctly in ASPxDashboardViewer
- T293745 – Web - Choropleth Map colors are displayed incorrectly
- T297092 – Web Viewer - System.ArgumentException occurs during dashboard export
Dashboard for WinForms
- T292956 – Combo Box Filter Item closes its popup on the Enter key press but filter is not applied
- T296049 – Connections from the DashboardDesigner.CustomDataConnections list are shown in the DataSource Wizard with the "(from the Server Explorer)" addition
- T299566 – CountDistinct function is incorrectly registered on loading Dashboard into the designer
- T296315 – Dashboard Grid Item's Custom Filter does not show specific operators for numeric and DateTime values
- T265707 – Dashboard title doesn't show correct parameter values after they were changed with the dashboard parameter button
- T289507 – DashboardSqlDataSource - All queries are cancelled if an exception is raised during any query execution
- T295651 – Dialog buttons are shown overlapped when a custom font is used
- T302536 – Grid Item - A record from the next level is automatically selected on drilling down if the master filter is enabled
- T295616 – It is impossible to change ScaleMode and AutoFitPageCount in the DashboardViewer's PrintingOptions
- T298470 – Range Filter throws DashboardInternalException when data is reloaded
- T292243 – Server Mode - Unhandled exception occurs after a filter element value is changed
- T309657 – Usability - The DataItem.ToString method should return actual text shown by an item
Data Access Library
- T298444 – Data Access Library - An unhandled error occurs when reloading data if the data loading procedure was cancelled at runtime
- T298315 – Data Source Wizard - Connection credentials are requested twice on an attempt to connect to an unreachable database engine
- T305681 – Data Source Wizard - Disable the "Database" combo box if the Firebird provider is chosen
- T298314 – Data Source Wizard - Error text is almost unreadable in dark Visual Studio theme
- T295901 – Report DataSource Wizard throws the InvalidCastException on an attempt to connect to the MySQL database
- T301257 – Table names' case is not taken into account while MySQL database schema is loaded
- T292794 – subj: Server Mode does not allow using parameters in Calculated Fields
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
Report and Dashboard Server
- T298731 – Report Server Web Report Designer - It is impossible to build a filter for filtering a report at the Data Source Level
Office File API
PDF Document API
- T300680 – Merging - Exception occurs on merging several documents protected by a password
- T298289 – Text Extraction - NullReferenceException is raised on an attempt to execute the PdfDocumentProcessor.GetText method for a document area that does not contain text
- T298118 – Usability - There is no way to specify DPI when getting images from a document
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
Spreadsheet Document API
- T303428 – Invalid XLS file is generated on creating a document with charts via SpreadsheetControl API
- T303329 – The Range.Value property setter affects a cell's NumericFormat
Word Processing Document API
- T289103 – HTML import - Table width is calculated incorrectly when the TD tag's "width" attribute is set to 100% for one of the cells
- T296935 – Numbering format is reset after a document is exported to the html format
- T293893 – Numeration is incorrectly applied to document titles on import
Zip Compression and Archive API
Reporting for ASP.NET Core
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
Reporting for MVC
- T295897 – ASPxDocumentViewer - Uncaught TypeError occurs during text search when ASPxDocumentViewer.SettingsReportViewer.UseIFrame is disabled
- T195586 – ASPxReportDesigner / MVCxReportDesigner - Provide a capability to use custom fonts
- T294450 – ASPxWebDocumentViewer - Export of a document into XLS/XLSX formats discards custom control text introduced in the BeforePrint event handler
- T292893 – Web Report Designer - Customization applied to a field list is reset after the report wizard is run
- T294412 – Web Report Designer - It is not possible to assign a filter to XRChart series
- T294949 – Web Report Designer - It is not possible to specify the Series.SummaryFunction property value for the XRChart control
- T293023 – Web Report Designer - Text input box is not focused after double-clicking the XRLabel control in the designer surface
Reporting for Silverlight
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
Reporting for WPF
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T295237 – DocumentPreviewControl - A multivalue parameter editor behaves incorrectly
- T296708 – Extension methods from the 'XRControlExtensions' namespace should not be visible to a user
- T294961 – Print Preview is empty after a BindingSource component is added to a report
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
Reporting for Web Forms
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T295872 – ASPxDocumentViewer - "Invalid callback result" exception is thrown when the SettingsReportViewer.PageByPage property is disabled
- T297752 – ASPxDocumentViewer - "Object doesn't support property or method 'hasOwnProperty'" exception is thrown on the client in Internet Explorer
- T286174 – ASPxReportDesigner doesn't change the control's Z index (the 'Bring to front' and 'Send to back' commands)
- T295554 – ASPxWebDocumentViewer - Image assinged by the ImageUrl property is not displayed in the Subreport
- T299551 – ASPxWebDocumentViewer jumps back to the first page when DocumentMap is refreshed
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T304885 – Web Report Designer - Query/DataSource editing buttons are not visible in the designer if the data source was created by a wizard
- T299411 – Web Report Designer - There is no Landscape property in the Page Settings section
- T305167 – Web Report Designer does not provide the capability to create the OnGetValue script for CalculatedFields
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
Reporting for WinForms
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T294285 – End User Report Designer - Unable to add parameters or calculated fields to the Field List if another designer window is already opened
- T300831 – NullReferenceException when previewing a report instance that has Watermark.Text set to Null
- T293265 – Parameter doesn't change its value after assigning an empty string
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T293331 – Report Wizard Item - An inherited report name isn't displayed in the dialog
- T293335 – Report Wizard Item - It is almost impossible to find a hyperlink that prompts you to load an inherited report from an external assembly
- T271614 – Report Wizard layout is broken and almost useless when DPI screen settings are set to 200
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T299682 – Scripting - The ScriptingReport object isn't disposed of after the GC.Collect method call if the XtraReport.DataSource property value is assigned in scripts
- T298686 – The Parameters Form dialog does not completely display elements when element content is increased
- T299469 – XRControl.NavigateUrl doesn't work when XRControl is inside SubBand
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
UWP (Windows 10)
Charts for UWP (Windows 10)
- T303777 – It is impossible to render a chart to an image
- T301436 – Unhandled exception occurs when running the Large Datasource demo module in x64 mode
Layout for UWP (Windows 10)
- T308500 – Implement SlideView in Windows 10 App Controls
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
All WPF products
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T296856 – A project created by DevExpress v15.1 Template Gallery uses the BlendHelperForBarsAndRibbon helper in XAML code
- T295237 – DocumentPreviewControl - A multivalue parameter editor behaves incorrectly
- T296708 – Extension methods from the 'XRControlExtensions' namespace should not be visible to a user
- T263170 – Hybrid App - The on-screen keyboard should be automatically invoked when the demo runs on tablet devices
- T294961 – Print Preview is empty after a BindingSource component is added to a report
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
DXBars for WPF
- T186692 – BarManager doesn't deserialize its elements correctly when it's defined inside the LayoutPanel's ContentTemplate
- T301032 – An exception is raised when RibbonGalleryBarItem's name is defined within DataTemplate
- T293652 – BarItemLink's CustomResources property ignores ResourceDictionary's MergedDictionaries property
- T305449 – BarManager doesn't close popups when it's used inside ViewToContractAdapter as a separate add-in
- T300896 – Bars throw an exception when the Alt key is pressed
- T301967 – The Bars.Clear() method does not clear items from the name scope
DXCharts for WPF
- T298182 – Axis2D.VisibilityInPanes option is not restored correctly after applying the saved chart layout
- T294120 – Chart rendering performance is not optimal when modifying the Series data source at runtime
- T291486 – Export - Chart size is incorrect after the Page Setup dialog is invoked in Print Preview mode
DXControls for WPF
- T292099 – Application freezes when scrolling TreeView with the mouse wheel
- T308129 – DXTabControl - The longest tab header is unpredictably trimmed
- T292897 – DXTabControl headers are not rendered correctly when the Header and Visibility properties are updated using data binding
- T292215 – DXWindow is shown in the incorrect position when high DPI is used
- T290223 – Navigation Options dialog in the OfficeNavigationBar control is not localized in German
- T296112 – NullReferenceException occurs after removing the colorized tab with null data context
DXDocking for WPF
- T308094 – Application freezes when the total width of group items is greater than the group's width and MinWidth is set for items
- T299369 – DockLayoutManager enters the CustomizationMode automatically upon restoring a layout from xml
- T303569 – DockLayoutManager is hidden after restoring a layout via a Customization window
- T300461 – DockManager with an empty DocumentGroup doesn't allow resizing an item
- T301769 – DocumentPanel's content is not loaded on Windows 7 when this panel is activated after applying a new theme
- T296609 – Floating panel doesn't correctly restore its position on the second display if the view with a parent DockLayoutManager is maximized
- T258390 – Improve the restoring mechanism of DockLayoutManager to store LayoutGroups that exist in the current layout but don't exist in the restored layout
- T251612 – Layout of closed floating panels is not restored
- T303282 – LayoutControlItem captions are not properly restored after layout customization
- T298584 – Multiple DockLayoutManager and EnableWin32Compatibility do not restore a hidden float group with a correct size
- T293144 – NullReferenceException is raised in Dock Layout Manager when a panel is removed in the DockItemEndDocking event handler
- T264748 – The floating window size exceeds screen bounds in the maximized state
- T289049 – There is no minimal dragging distance for a docked panel
DXEditors for WPF
- T299837 – ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs after clearing the control's ItemSource
- T239804 – ComboBoxEdit's highlighting doesn't work when the Deep Blue theme is applied
- T302124 – FlyoutControl throws InvalidCastException at design time when its default style is overridden
- T263701 – Setting ListBoxEditItem's foreground in ListBoxEdit's ItemContainerStyle has no effect
- T297639 – The TokenLookupEdit control uses the DisplayMember property value instead of the ValueMember one in the filter
- T296174 – TokenEditor - An exception is raised while scrolling the editor content vertically
- T298751 – TokenLookUpEdit control generates InvalidOperationException while scrolling in certain scenarios
- T263674 – Tokens display wrong text when the CustomColumnDisplayText event is handled
DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF
- T221449 – Add the RTL mode support for the Data Aware Export functionality
- T290356 – Conditional Formatting doesn't take into account null values when the Top/Bottom rule is applied
- T296839 – GridColumns with the same binding path but different ConverterParameter values always display the same cell values on the screen
- T308511 – GridControl containing non-focusable columns throws NullReferenceException when a user navigates through cells using the keyboard
- T295012 – GridControl does not reset its filter dropdown settings if a column type is changed at runtime
- T296566 – GridControl doesn't clear grouped columns after updating its ColumnsSource
- T302014 – GridControl raises an exception on expanding its detail grid in a separate UI threa
- T299703 – GridControl scrolling is inverted if the mouse wheel's "One screen at a time" option is selected
- T290346 – GridControl with GroupFooters throws ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException when its DataContext is reset
- T292502 – Group Summary Editor is resized to the full height of the monitor
- T299482 – LookUpEdit does not show a popup after the F4 key press
- T294137 – NullReferenceException is raised when views are switched and MultiSelectMode is set to 'Cell'
- T293800 – NullReferenceException occurs if TableView is located in the resource and the ShowCheckBoxSelectorColumn property has the True value
- T297596 – StackOverflowException is thrown in InplaceEditorBase when the RegisterUserEditor method is overridden
- T294858 – Summary values are calculated incorrectly when ICollectionView is used and a grid column contains null values
- T300141 – The Append and Delete buttons are disabled when XPServerCollectionSource is used
- T292508 – The Group Summaries dialog changes its position unpredictably when a user tries to resize it
- T195457 – The ImmediatePopup property isn't applied for SearchLookUpEdit
- T295011 – The IsFilterEnabled property value is invalid when the CustomRowFilter event is raised
- T295288 – The ValidateCell event is not raised for empty cells if the AllowLeaveInvalidEditor property is set to true
- T296647 – The ValidateCell event is raised multiple times for the same cell when the AllowLeaveInvalidEditor property is set to "True"
- T291950 – Values from TimeSpan? columns are exported incorrectly
- T306618 – WcfInstantFeedbackSource does not allow filtering by TimeSpan values
DXLayoutControl for WPF
- T296163 – CPU usage is getting high when typing fast in TextEdit due to a lot of LayoutControls with ScrollBars=Auto
- T300447 – LayoutControl - Exception during loading a layout from XML when a user-defined group was placed in the visible layout and then moved to AvailableItems
- T297995 – TileLayoutControl - Broken synchronization with ItemsSource after drag&drop of external items using the MVVM approach
DXMap for WPF
- T306696 – Add Z-index support for map elements
- T306590 – Bing Maps - Tiles are not displayed on the maximum zoom level
- T294023 – Map shape template content is not updated when the linked attribute value is changed
- T302118 – MapPolygon located in another MapPolygon cannot be highlighted
- T306985 – The MapControl.CoordinateSystem property value is not accessible using the binding expression
- T293643 – The indicator adjustment area is not stretched based on the trackbar size
- T290957 – There is no capability to clear the in-memory tile cache at runtime
- T297254 – Usability - There is no capability to specify a custom zoom level delta value
- T294143 – Usability - Tile images with identical URIs are not displayed correctly after zooming operations
DXPivotGrid for WPF
- T305256 – Conditional Formatting Icons are incorrectly aligned in cells representing string values
- T304800 – DataBarFormatCondition cannot be initialized using the BeginUpdate / EndUpdateAsync method block
- T292895 – Horizontal scrollbar does not move field headers in the row area properly
- T293920 – In Server Mode PivotGrid requests all fields' unique values when Prefilter is initially shown
- T303339 – PivotGrid displays the insertion arrow at a wrong place when a field is dragged to the data cell area
- T294784 – PivotGridControl handles the inner editor's events
- T304829 – TargetInvocationException is thrown when the field orientation is changed
- T306334 – Top N Percent - The number of shown values is calculated incorrectly
- T291311 – Top x percent not applied correctly on PivotGrid in Server Mode
DXPrinting for WPF
- T294172 – DevExpress.OutlookInspiredApp.Wpf demo - "Print queue 'l' not found" error is thrown when a physical printer is used for printing
DXPropertyGrid for WPF
- T303064 – CollectionDefinition shows undeclared properties after adding (removing) an element
- T236606 – Focus is moved from the last editor in the PropertyGrid to another control if the down arrow key is pressed
- T295956 – Selection is changed unpredictably when navigating between sub properties
DXRibbon for WPF
- T300263 – DXRibbonWindow cannot be minimized/maximized if it was created in code behind
- T221724 – DXRibbonWindow doesn't close its custom context menu on opening a default window menu
- T286614 – DXRibbonWindow title is sometimes hidden when system DPI is set to 150%
- T289683 – Merging of the Ribbon control located in the ControlPane of the Backstage view does not work in MDI mode
- T292808 – Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar displays BarItemLink separators if the ToolbarShowCustomizationButton property has the False value
- T290870 – Ribbon does not display three small icons in the same column
- T285796 – RibbonHeaderVisibility causing ribbon buttons to overlap the window title bar
- T302835 – RibbonPageCategory caption starts flickering when its IsVisible property is changed
- T297333 – RibbonPageGroup doesn't arrange its items in columns
- T294946 – The ArgumentException is raised on the Application Menu click if the RibbonTitleBarVisibility property is "Collapsed" and the ToolbarShowMode property is "Hide" or "ShowBelow"
- T292756 – The CheckBox foreground is incorrect when BackstageViewControl is shown for the first time
- T290884 – The ControlPane’s content isn’t cleared when the BackstageTabItem’s Visibility is set to Collapsed
- T300335 – The RibbonGalleryBarItem control cannot be enabled if the IsEnabled property is set to True
- T294313 – UI Automation support - Ribbon items are not recognized after tabs are switched
- T298740 – WPF Report Designer - How to attach a Backstage View to the Ribbon
DXRichEdit for WPF
- T297436 – "An internal error" exception is thrown on deleting content in a specific MHT file
- T307296 – A specific document in the WordML format cannot be opened
- T292505 – A table located in a text box is shifted down after pressing the Enter key in a table cell
- T305791 – Comment section overlaps the document content
- T305876 – In-line image is clipped on the current page instead of being moved to the next page when it does not fit into the available page size
- T303765 – Incorrect style preview image is shown in the style gallery if the style was modified
- T296254 – NullReferenceException is thrown on scrolling a document with the 'PageDown' key
- T294857 – NullReferenceException occurs in the CalculateScrollDeltaForVisibleRows method on document load
- T285811 – RichEditControl does not display the table content created using AltChunk
- T295936 – Spaces are being removed from a document on opening in RichEdit
DXScheduler for WPF (Legacy)
- T303194 – "The given key was not present in the dictionary" exception occurs on customizing scheduler views at design time
- T302613 – Application loses focus on closing AppointmentEditForm
- T304717 – Dragged appointment with a reminder has a standard bell icon instead of an icon that is overridden in the appointment template
- T280091 – Hidden sub menu items are shown in the scheduler's context menu if SchedulerControl is located in a non-main window
- T297314 – It is impossible to change the DayView.WorkTime property at runtime
- T303345 – Mouse cursor is not reset to the default one after starting appointment editing if an appointment border was selected
- T299456 – RecurrenceRangeControl sets editor values differently than they are set in MS Outlook when RecurrenceInfo's start date is changed
- T298055 – ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl content is changed in version 15.1.7
DXSpellChecker for WPF
- T308768 – NullReferenceException is thrown when the control bound to SpellChecker is located not on the first tab of TabControl
- T301285 – Text in the TextBox control is not checked when changing the SpellChecker culture
DXSpreadsheet for WPF
- T304148 – Incorrect validation of a protected range name
- T292656 – Unexpected cell borders appear when the LoadDocument method is called in the Window_Loaded event handler
Data Access Library
- T298444 – Data Access Library - An unhandled error occurs when reloading data if the data loading procedure was cancelled at runtime
- T298315 – Data Source Wizard - Connection credentials are requested twice on an attempt to connect to an unreachable database engine
- T305681 – Data Source Wizard - Disable the "Database" combo box if the Firebird provider is chosen
- T298314 – Data Source Wizard - Error text is almost unreadable in dark Visual Studio theme
- T295901 – Report DataSource Wizard throws the InvalidCastException on an attempt to connect to the MySQL database
MVVM Framework
- T309701 – ArgumentNullException occurs when calling UnityContainer.Resolve for a type created using ViewModelSource.GetPOCOType
- T304566 – The ISaveFileDialogService.FilterIndex property is not updated when the dialog box' filter is changed
Navigation Controls for WPF
- T226906 – NavBarControl has an incorrect layout if it is located in the AutoHideGroup of the DockLayoutManager control
PDF Viewer for WPF
- T290676 – PDFViewer crashes when you edit a field and change page display mode to “Two Page View” or “Two Page View Scrolling”
- T299872 – PDFViewerControl throws an exception when it displays a document containing two pages
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
Scaffolding Wizards
All WinForms products
- T304956 – "Value does not fall within the expected range" exception is thrown on executing the XtraReport.FromStream method if the DataAccess assembly is not deployed
- T306725 – A context menu is not re-sized when enlarging a font size by using the WindowsFormsSettings.DefaultMenuFont property
- T293698 – BarButtonItem - The drop-down arrow is not shown if an item has no caption (RibbonStyle = MacOffice)
- T297382 – Custom skin on GroupControls works in DX 11.2, but not in DX15.1
- T294285 – End User Report Designer - Unable to add parameters or calculated fields to the Field List if another designer window is already opened
- T263170 – Hybrid App - The on-screen keyboard should be automatically invoked when the demo runs on tablet devices
- T293792 – ImageCollection - Resource images are analyzed slowly if a project is large
- T300831 – NullReferenceException when previewing a report instance that has Watermark.Text set to Null
- T293265 – Parameter doesn't change its value after assigning an empty string
- T300640 – PrintingSystem.CreateDocumentException - A custom exception doesn't propagate through the application code
- T293331 – Report Wizard Item - An inherited report name isn't displayed in the dialog
- T293335 – Report Wizard Item - It is almost impossible to find a hyperlink that prompts you to load an inherited report from an external assembly
- T271614 – Report Wizard layout is broken and almost useless when DPI screen settings are set to 200
- T294960 – Report displays an incorrect total summary value of processed child records for the target master group
- T299682 – Scripting - The ScriptingReport object isn't disposed of after the GC.Collect method call if the XtraReport.DataSource property value is assigned in scripts
- T307945 – SkinEditor - Add a scrollbar into the preview section
- T297847 – SkinEditor: NullReferenceException is thrown on adding a new skin
- T298686 – The Parameters Form dialog does not completely display elements when element content is increased
- T278685 – WorkspaceManager that is used by specialized bar items cannot be customized
- T299469 – XRControl.NavigateUrl doesn't work when XRControl is inside SubBand
- T293673 – XtraReports - Sort controls by their name in the editor for the DrillDownControl property
- T292004 – XtraReports - It is not possible to Open/Import an inherited report in Visual Studio
Data Access Library
- T298444 – Data Access Library - An unhandled error occurs when reloading data if the data loading procedure was cancelled at runtime
- T293489 – Data Access Library - It is not possible to set a relation for columns of different types even if it is possible to convert such types on the database engine side
- T298315 – Data Source Wizard - Connection credentials are requested twice on an attempt to connect to an unreachable database engine
- T305681 – Data Source Wizard - Disable the "Database" combo box if the Firebird provider is chosen
- T298314 – Data Source Wizard - Error text is almost unreadable in dark Visual Studio theme
- T295901 – Report DataSource Wizard throws the InvalidCastException on an attempt to connect to the MySQL database
- T289548 – Web Report Designer - All SqlDataSource instances have the same 'SqlDataSource' name
MVVM Framework
- T294884 – Add the capability to search for a View type in an assembly where MVVMContext instance is used
- T304865 – MVVMContext - An exception occurs after opening a popup form via its smart tag when ViewModel is located in another assembly
PDF Viewer
- T293380 – Localization - Text in the find panel is truncated in specific cultures
- T308312 – Printing - The printer setting is ignored during printing
- T305302 – Scrolling - There are some artifacts while scrolling a document in touch mode
- T270797 – Usability - Provide the capability to raise the PdfPopupMenuShowing event when a popup menu is shown in a bookmarks tree
- T295274 – Usability - There is no capability to specify the Page Setup dialog size
- T283450 – User Interface - The page setup dialog is not displayed correctly in Touch UI mode
- T299321 – Project Converter does not show upgrade prompt if one project was unloaded and another one was then loaded to Visual Studio
- T286678 – Localization - The Layout page group in the List ribbon page of the Data Tools category cannot be localized
- T287475 – Summary function enumeration in Snap Summary Editor cannot be localized
- T287456 – View Type enumeration in the Snap Sparkline Action List cannot be localized
XtraBars Suite
- T300109 – NullReferenceException may occur at DevExpress.XtraBars.Ribbon.ViewInfo.BaseRibbonViewInfo.OnHotObjectChanging or DevExpress.XtraBars.BarItemLink.CreateViewInfo with the hotfix
- T289380 – A hidden dock panel displays an empty rectangle
- T301507 – AccordionControl - An element cannot be expanded in the designer if the Enabled property is set to False
- T293117 – AccordionControl - Clearing the e.ElementsToExpandCollapse collection in the ExpandStateChanging event handler doesn't prevent e.Element from being expanded
- T304755 – AccordionControl - ContentContainer not visible if Expanded set to true on Form_Load with AnimationType = None
- T299225 – AccordionControl - Missing ImageCombo in the Properties Window to set AccordionControlElementBase.ImageIndex
- T295604 – AccordionControl - Provide the Name property for AccordionControlElement
- T300665 – AccordionControl - Provide the capability to hide elements at runtime only if the Visible property is set to False
- T305152 – AccordionControl - The ContentContainer's scrollbar is painted in black during the expansion animation
- T293712 – BarManager - Floating toolbars do not display item hints or super tips
- T304842 – BarStaticItem - ItemAppearance.Hovered is not applied
- T300609 – ButtonGroup dropdown is small on high DPI
- T301639 – DockPanel - Setting the e.Cancel property to True in the Validating event handler still allows activating another panel in the same panel container
- T295322 – DocumentManager - A document's AllowClose option is being reset if the document is hosting DockPanel
- T300278 – DocumentManager - An exception is thrown when another View is assigned to the manager in code
- T294298 – DocumentManager - Customizing of document settings by using the DocumentSettings class does not work when you call the AddFloatDocument method
- T300661 – DocumentManager - Docking Guides are not visible on High DPI
- T301449 – FlyoutDialog caption and buttons do not support RightToLeft
- T303689 – GalleryControl - Scrollbars do not apply a width value set in the Windows Appearance dialog
- T264664 – NavigationFrame - Provide an option to change the transition speed
- T296594 – NavigationFrame - The QueryControl event is not raised for a page whose content was cleared in ControlReleasing
- T293284 – NavigationPane - Provide the capability to hide the 'Collapse' button
- T299701 – NavigationPane flickers on being collapsed
- T294256 – NullReferenceException is raised in the DocumentManagerUIViewRegularDragListener.OnDrop method in certain circumstances
- T295232 – OfficeNavigationBar - Provide the capability to show all items if they do not fit into the main form
- T304625 – PanelContainer - CustomHeaderButton's image disappears after DockPanel is deactivated if an image is used in ImageCollection or ImageList
- T298294 – Quick Access Toolbar items are duplicated in an MDI application after merging the child RibbonControl
- T287552 – RepositoryItemColorPickEdit - A parent PopupMenu is closed and an application loses focus on the 'More Colors' click
- T296758 – Ribbon Merging - Quick Access Toolbar items' state is not saved when changing an active MDI child form
- T303610 – RibbonControl - A bar item's shortcut is not triggered after LookUpEdit's value is selected
- T302335 – RibbonControl - Crash occurs on attempt to expand the control from the collapsed state via the pin button
- T118904 – RibbonControl - Expand button is shown at a wrong place
- T309802 – RibbonControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when a ribbon is minimized
- T302636 – RibbonControl - The ShowApplicationButton option is not in effect in the TabletOffice ribbon style
- T276195 – RibbonControl - The bottom part of a GalleryItem caption is cropped
- T299855 – Selected document is changed when its toolbar is being dragged
- T293278 – TabbedView - Merge ribbons when a document is docked and unmerge them when the document is floating
- T292416 – The BarButtonItem.Width property has no effect
- T278518 – The NavigationPane appears instantly when the TransitionManager is used
- T308644 – TileBar - Disabled items can be clicked when the touch screen is used
- T306622 – TileBar - Group text font size is not changed when the AppearanceObject.DefaultFont property is changed
- T294578 – TileBar - If the TileBarItem's color is changed, a drop-down button is not updated with it until moving the mouse over this button
- T293390 – TileNavPane - NavButton with a long description is cut at the bottom
- T290048 – UI.Win - ParameterizedAction is not executed on the first button click
- T302659 – WidgetView - If a control is hidden, a document is hidden and then appears on re-sizing widgets shown in Table Mode
- T300799 – WindowsUI Flyout - The hot key prefix is visible in the button's caption
- T297778 – WindowsUIView - An exception occurs when handling the ControlReleasing event for a maximized document while disposing of its ContainerControl or View
- T180815 – WindowsUIView - Provide a click event for SearchPanel items
- T300282 – WindowsUIView - Provide the capability to hide a caption for a particular content container
- T214504 – WindowsUIView search - Provide an event that allows controlling search content dynamically
- T297037 – WorkspaceManager - Provide the overridden LoadWorkspace method that accepts Stream as a second parameter
- T300880 – WorkspaceManager - The Layout of a parent form is saved when the DocumentManager is used
- T291583 – WorkspaceManager - Workspace.Path is not assigned when workspace has been loaded from UI
- T297043 – XAF Main Demo - NullReferenceException is thrown after adding a new contact and pressing the Save and Close button
- T290651 – XtraBars.BarCheckItem doesn't show its CheckState on highDPI 200%
XtraCharts Suite
- T299208 – Chart Designer - Candle Stick Series value data members are assigned incorrectly
- T292783 – Chart Designer is unexpectedly closed after selecting the Points node when creating a new Series
- T298352 – Chart Wizard - Color Picker dialog is displayed multiple times when modifying the Series point color
- T294369 – Chart designer crashes when a Series name is changed
- T294552 – Crosshair - Unhandled error when displaying the crosshair panel in certain situations
- T301353 – Crosshair Cursor - Points are highlighted if the corresponding Crosshair Panel element is hidden
- T290811 – Lines are rendered incorrectly when markers are enabled
- T303438 – Pivot Chart Integration - Simple diagram legend is incomplete if the Legend.UseCheckBoxes property is enabled
- T301824 – Polar Point and Polar Line series are not compatible
- T306070 – Stacked Area series is displayed incorrectly when it contains positive and negative values
- T253366 – Unhandled error occurs when the chart layout is restored in certain situations
- T299429 – Unhandled exception occurs when a custom localizer class is applied to ChartControl
- T280877 – WorkdaysOptions and WorkdaysOnly properties are not hidden in the DateTimeScaleOptions property of the AxisY class
XtraEditors Library
- T302156 – AlertControl - RTL is not supported
- T297853 – BreadCrumbEdit - Child nodes are not sorted properly
- T295965 – BreadCrumbEdit - Duplicated nodes are shown when a path is copy-pasted to the WinExplorerView demo
- T289016 – BreadCrumbEdit - PathChange event is not raised after a path is copied/pasted to/from the control
- T303200 – BreadCrumbEdit - Provide the capability to add child nodes with the same caption as a parent node
- T306328 – BreadCrumbEdit - The NewNodeAdding event is raised after selecting a child node with an arrow
- T306763 – CameraControl - NullReferenceException is thrown when changing the camera settings
- T299082 – FilterControl - Scrollbars flicker and an operator menu is closed immediately after it is opened
- T295535 – ImageCollection throws an exception (HRESULT: 0x80131047) on adding images From Referenced Assemblies at design time
- T297768 – Improve touch support for TrackBarControl
- T304508 – LabelControl - Only a part of a text acts as a hyperlink if special symbols are used in it
- T295728 – MarqueeProgressBarControl does not show animation when it is disabled
- T304549 – MemoExPopupForm - Provide CreateMemoEdit() that can be overridden
- T280657 – PictureEdit - Add the capability to get the correct mouse coordinate when zooming is used
- T308666 – PictureEdit - Content is scrolled when assigning a new image and scrollbars are visible
- T300543 – PictureEdit - Scrollbar alignment is incorrect after resizing
- T308073 – PictureEdit - Scrollbars' value is applied incorrectly when the PictureEdit.Properties.ShowScrollBars property is set to false
- T302939 – PropertyGridControl - ValidatingEditor event is raised twice if tabbing out of an editor
- T288450 – Provide the capability to use spin buttons to edit values in TimeSpan Edit (support the TimeEditStyle.SpinButtons option)
- T299312 – RibbonForm - SuperToolTip is not shown for BarItem
- T299745 – Right To Left layout cannot be applied to Super Tooltip
- T295598 – TimeSpanEdit - A mask is not applied to a display text
- T295895 – Touch UI Calendar can't select a valid date
- T302205 – WindowsUIView Tile always shows the first frame when Tile.Properties.BackgroundImageScaleMode is Stretch
- T293783 – XtraForm title and borders are painted incorrectly when the SupportAdvancedTitlePainting option is disabled and PopupContainerControl is open
XtraGrid Suite
- T286035 – Conditional Formatting - Predefined gradients revert to default values when editing multiple times
- T298725 – Conditional Formatting Rules Manager - "Duplicate" is incorrectly translated into German
- T298492 – Data Bar is not shown in FormatConditionRuleDataBar mode if a value is greater than 100%
- T298161 – FindControl.LookAndFeel_StyleChanged method throws InvalidOperationException under certain circumstances
- T297051 – Grid - A wrong column is selected in the Column Chooser when clicking the last column that is partially visible
- T292680 – Grid - MRUEdit is filled with extra entries on typing in Column Chooser
- T287618 – Grid - The CellValueChanged event is raised after selecting rows when no values were actually changed
- T296353 – GridControl - Icons are shown incorrectly for cells with negative values when grid rules are applied to an exported document
- T294352 – GridControl - Nullable DateTime cell format is "General" instead of "Date" during export to XLSX
- T302038 – GridControl - Nullable dates are incorrectly exported to Excel
- T214056 – GridControl - RepositoryLookUpEdit loses its value if the PostEditor method is called in the EditValueChanged event handler
- T266062 – GridControl Designer - Column properties are not shown
- T306677 – HyperLinkEdit – Text is cropped after being exported to HTML when its font size is set to a value greater than the default value
- T301487 – It is impossible to maximize a card when it is in minimize mode
- T304553 – SearchLookUpEdit - Cannot move focus to the Find Panel using the up arrow key after the first opening
- T293086 – The main form flickers on closing an edit form in XtraGrid that is placed inside another Form, which is not a top-level window
- T268410 – TileView - The bottom tile is clipped
- T189619 – TileView is not refreshed when a datasource is changed
- T268412 – TileView.ItemCustomize - The e.Item argument is null at the application startup
- T305365 – WinExplorerView - Content view is not highlighting a complete row
- T302877 – WinExplorerView - Thumbnail images are loaded twice
- T286040 – XtraGrid - NullReferenceException is thrown in the Format Cells menu
XtraLayout Suite
- T298310 – LayoutControl - Underscore characters are not painted on tab headers
- T299687 – DataLayoutControl - Add the DataType event argument for the FieldRetrieving event
- T296826 – DataLayoutControl throws StackOverflowException under certain circumstances
- T293297 – LayoutControl - Controls are not enlarged if Min and Max sizes are specified in HighDPI
- T257588 – LayoutControl - Copying and pasting layout items duplicates binding sources
- T303480 – LayoutControl - Fixed LayoutControlItems aren't scaled when the default font is changed
- T300285 – LayoutControl - Item text is cut from the left on 200 DPI
- T293268 – LayoutControl - LabelControl text is trimmed vertically in 200 DPI
- T296377 – LayoutControl - The Customization Form is scrolled to the top when an item is added/removed
- T293266 – LayoutControl - The bottom CheckEdit in a column is shifted to the right in 200 DPI
- T293267 – LayoutControl - Vertical proportions between items don't remain in 200 DPI
- T300286 – LayoutControl - Vertical spacing between items is not enlarged on 200 DPI
- T294417 – LayoutControlGroup - Double ampersand is displayed as &&
- T294374 – LayoutControlGroup text is cropped when the AppearanceGroup's TextOptions.HAlignment property is set to HorzAlignment.Far
- T293766 – WorkspaceManager - SplitContainerControl does not keep splitter position on saving/restoring a layout
- T303220 – Changes in custom map colorizer data are not reflected in the corresponding vector layer
- T293276 – Changes in map colorizer data are not reflected in the corresponding vector layer
- T302395 – Custom MapDataProvider does not work correctly with custom tile size
- T304414 – Documentation - The OpenStreetMapKind enumeration article is incorrect
- T302221 – Event MapItemClick does not fire when MapItem is of type MapPie
- T292246 – Gauss Kruger projection type is not supported
- T206950 – Improve polygon rendering quality in GdiPlus mode
- T297443 – It is not possible to access RenderScaleFactor because it is declared as internal
- T289864 – MapControl.ZoomToFit... methods incorrectly work for MapRectangles
- T291939 – MapPie segment is not displayed when its size is less than one percent
- T289792 – Multiple item selection doesn't work in certain situations
- T302804 – OpenStreetMapDataProvider - The TileUriTemplate property value contains the OpenStreetMap server name when creating a new data provider using the Layers Editor
- T302386 – The DrawMapItem event does not work with MapPath items
- T305468 – NavBarControl - Setting the ActiveGroup property does not update GroupControlContainer if NavBarControl was invisible
XtraPivotGrid Suite
- T294186 – ArgumentOutOfRangeException occurs when the PivotGrid.RestoreLayoutFromStream method is used between BeginUpdate/EndUpdate methods
- T307881 – Export - CustomRowHeight event does not allow changing row height
- T299475 – OLAP - Data is not loaded if a measure name contains a punctuation mark and the OleDB data provider is used
- T299283 – OLAP - Exception is raised at design time on the FieldName popup opening and value selection
XtraPrinting Library
- T306534 – DXGrid - Borders of boolean columns are missing in the resultant RTF file
- T305794 – Data Grid row is partially shown on two pages when margins are set to a specific value
- T282014 – Localization - The hint of the Thumbnails button isn't localizaed to Spanish
- T295323 – PrintPreview - Provide a way to customize report export commands
- T305401 – System.DivideByZeroException is thrown within the ThumbnailsViewer control
- T298789 – Validation of the PDF/A-3 ZUGFeRD document fails
- T293202 – "Table Of Content" elements (icon and caption) are rendered incorrectly
- T288993 – A table style with a different border for the header row is incorrectly applied to a table in RichEditControl
- T307456 – An MHT file is rendered incorrectly in RichEditControl
- T296880 – An internal error occurs in DevExpress.Office.v15.1.Core.dll when text is deleted from a specific file
- T295876 – ArgumentOutOfRangeException is raised on focusing a RichEditControl document when SpellChecker is assigned to RichEditControl
- T292813 – AutoColor font does not work correctly when paragraph background is colorized
- T294011 – Caret is rendered incorrectly when zooming is applied in the RichEditControl view
- T277547 – Cell text color becomes the same as the background color after document export to PDF
- T303227 – Comment headers are not correctly localized when RichEditControl is used in an applicaiton built in .NET Framework 4.5 or lower
- T301831 – Copy/paste operation doesn't work correctly in the RichEdit control if an RTF file contains a symbol with code 0
- T305169 – Decimal separator specified for a current culture is not taken into account while aligning text in a document via tabs
- T299021 – Document can't be scrolled to its end if the RichEditControl.AutoSize property is AutoSizeMode.Both
- T299355 – Document content is cleared if the floating object is inserted inside the table cell in the document header
- T295279 – Document content is rendered incorrectly on scrolling when the document contains TextBox in the header
- T294147 – Exception occurs when Reviewing Pane is hidden at runtime and large text is inserted in a comment
- T307224 – Floating images inserted via API are not aligned correctly when the RelativeHorizontalPosition property equals the Character value
- T299359 – Floating object inserted inside the table cell in the document header is not shown on the page
- T290014 – Font calculated incorrectly when a text in Korean language (with Korean font) is copied and pasted
- T299350 – Forms Customization - mark all the editors located in the FloatingObjectLayoutForm form as protected
- T296832 – HTML Parsing - JS script block endings are incorrectly calculated by RichEditControl's HTML importer while loading specific HTML files
- T305677 – Images are not correctly cached in an internal GDIPlusPainter class
- T302680 – Implement a property to control highlighting of text with comments when comments are hidden
- T293763 – Items of the "Number Style" combobox are not localized in the "Customize Numbered List" form
- T293149 – NullReferenceException occurs on the document loading when the paragraph shading is set in a textbox located in a document header
- T306361 – NullReferenceException occurs when document content is selected using the mouse
- T285728 – Provide the capability to not change the DOCVARIABLE field value while updating fields
- T292698 – RTF Import - It is impossible to load documents containing styles for which the NumberingListIndex property is set
- T291316 – Restoring the VerticalScrollPosition property value operates incorrectly in the case of a "multi-page" document layout
- T297273 – RichEdit control incorrectly parses table row offset in a specific file
- Q510892 – RichEditControl - Support locked fields
- T298152 – RichEditControl changes uppercase to lowercase during auto correction
- T303135 – RichEditControl throws an exception if a document's header or footer contains multiple selection
- T293089 – Rtf document cannot be opened if properties are not assigned to all declared cells
- T292324 – Some fonts are rendered incorrectly in the RichEdit control
- T300548 – System.Exception is raised on inserting RTF content located before a newly created bookmark
- T293201 – Table Of Contents - "Edit Table Of Contents" context menu item must be disabled in read-only mode
- T293203 – Table Of Contents - Disabling the "Show Page Numbers" option does not result in hiding page numbers from Table Of Contents
- T286100 – Table Style and Table Cell Style forms are not localized via satellite assemblies
- T305319 – Table line spacing is lost when a specific file table is copied from Word to the RichEdit control
- T307354 – Table on the second page of the attached document is not rendered correctly while scrolling the document in RichEditControl
- T294905 – Text alignment doesn't work in a textbox with a field
- T299831 – The CommentOptions.BracketsColor property does not affect comment brackets color
- T290064 – The IF field is parsed incorrectly if the expression does not contain an Else statement
- T303795 – Visual Studio throws timeout exception for RichEditControl's properties during debugging
XtraScheduler Suite
- T308557 – Appointment Edit form content is shifted if a project is localized with Norwegian assemblies
- T301684 – Appointment dependencies are rendered incorrectly when certain appointments are invisible and the SnapToCells mode is disabled
- T297822 – Incorrect parameters are returned in the RangeControl.RangeChanged event handler when a specific date (18th day of any month) is selected
- T295189 – Mappings Generator sets the TimeZoneId mapping to a wrong field
- T303734 – Prevent visual updates on the "Restore Default State" command execution
- T294795 – RemindersForm closes if an end-user opens AppointmentForm from RemindersForm, changes an appointment and closes AppointmentForm
- T300760 – Remove the "Floating Time for All-Day Events" checkbox from the TimeZones demo since it cannot be used
- T297820 – The 'DevExpress.XtraScheduler.RecurrenceInfo' class object can't be deserialized because the 'DevExpress.XtraScheduler.RecurrenceInfo.TimeZoneId' property has no public setter
- T295327 – TimeZoneId is not taken into account when printing Scheduler Control by using XtraSchedulerReport
- T295310 – ArgumentOutOfRangeException fires on spellchecking some words with the fr-FR dictionary
- T305199 – NullReferenceException on setting the CheckControlsInParentContainer property to true in case the SpellChecker control is assigned to the RichEdit control
- T300248 – RichEditControl joins the last word of a document with the last document character if it is a special character
- T301873 – SpellChecker loses the first word of a dictionary if the dictionary starts with a word instead of the word number
- T300828 – The "eg." abbreviation is replaced with incorrect text when the "e.g." option is selected in the spelling menu
- T292829 – The a.m. (a.m) and p.m. (p.m) abbreviations are not handled correctly by the SpellChecker spelling engine
- T293493 – NullReferenceException occurs on an attempt to get the DirectDependents property for a Cell object
- T293888 – "Invalid OpenXml file: PivotTupleCacheQuery has no MDX" exception is raised on opening the attached XLSX file
- T298930 – ASPxSpreadsheet - Cell height increases during printing if DevExpress.Office.AzureCompatibility.Enable is set to True
- T296045 – Add a capability to stop exporting data to DataTable after the first empty row
- T247549 – Cell values are incorrectly pasted from a SpreadsheetControl document into an MS Excel document (date time values, decimal number values, large number values)
- T279054 – Cell values are incorrectly pasted into the SpreadsheetControl document in the "cs-CZ" culture
- T307622 – Cells in a document are incorrectly selected after modifying another cell value and setting a document unit to "Document"
- T291112 – Copied formula changes on inserting into a cell
- T290959 – DocumentClosing event is not raised when a file from an external source is dropped to Spreadsheet
- T294882 – Documents whose CustomFunctionExportMode property is set to "CalculatedValue" are saved incorrectly
- T296781 – Empty rows with formatting are exported to DataTable even if the SkipEmptyRows property is true
- T292012 – ICustomCalculationService service returns an incorrect worksheet index in the OnBeginCellCalculation method
- T290892 – Implement a capability to change the SpreadsheetCellValidatingEventArgs.EditorText property value inside the SpreadsheetControl.CellEndEdit event handler
- T292823 – Invalid axis label formatting in case the Axis type is set to Text and a specific culture is used
- T304642 – KeyNotFoundException is thrown when the Style.CopyFrom method is used with the built-in Normal style as a parameter
- T304030 – KeyNotFoundException when XtraSpreadsheet is saved to Excel
- T300160 – NullReferenceException is raised on executing the PageSetupViewModel.GetPrintArea method
- T304468 – Serious performance issues occur when the Cell.CopyFrom method is used for many cells after an upgrade to version 15.1.7
- T298813 – ShowDetailCommand operates incorrectly in case of several grouped ranges
- T247526 – SpreadsheetControl AutoFit all cells execution takes a long time if there are many records
- T293219 – The SpreadsheetNameBoxControl.ReadOnly property value is incorrectly reset when an end-user starts editing a cell
- T289004 – XtraSpreadsheet - Calculate Now doesn't recalculate charts and doesn't change cell styles
- T293656 – Worksheet protected range doesn't allow paste operation
XtraTreeList Suite
- T297543 – RepositoryItemSearchLookUpEdit does not show data when it is used inside TreeList in some cases
- T284760 – TreeList - Arrow keys are not working if an editor was activated with the F2 key
- T302279 – TreeList - The RaiseCompareNodeValues method is not called if the CompareNodeValues event is not subscribed
- T301420 – TreeList does not show a calendar to filter a DateTime column
XtraVerticalGrid Suite
- T301280 – VGridControl - All assigned RepositoryItems are removed when VGridControl.ExternalRepository is assigned
- T293408 – Wizard buttons are not properly scaled on high DPI
Breaking Changes
This list includes all the breaking changes introduced in 15.1.8.
ASP.NET Web Forms
- BC3133 – Setting the PageIndex property to 0 is not in effect in EndlessPaging mode
- BC3130 – Several DateTime pattern formats have been changed for the en-US culture
- BC3181 – The 'Grand Total' row is not currently taken into account when calculating the number of rows (items) displayed in the ASPxPivotGrid pager
Data Access Library
- BC3124 – The structure of Data Source Wizard page views has been changed
App Frameworks (UI, API, ORM)
Business Intelligence
Known Issues
This list includes all issues that were created in 15.1.8.
All ASP.NET MVC products
- T317316 – HTML5 Document Viewer - Empty document appears when restoring a document from prnx
- T333012 – Web Report Designer control's menu is not working if multiple designer controls are rendered on the same web page
- T338669 – WebDocumentViewer - Old multi-value parameter value may be submit to a previewed report
Data Access Library
- T314458 – Data Access Library - InvalidCastException occurs when data is loaded asynchronously
MVC Chart
- T317288 – The JustifyAllAroundPoint resolve overlapping mode does not work correctly with the Bubble series type
MVC GridView
- T315526 – GridView - Focused row is lost after grid filtering
MVC HtmlEditor
- T336131 – HtmlEditor - The HtmlEditor content is displayed incorrectly when it's used in the GridView edit form template
MVC Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Extensions
- T318581 – Ribbon - The Minimized property is not available in the extension's settings
MVC Pivot Grid
- T319091 – OutOfMemoryException is thrown in prefilter if a field provides many unique values
MVC Scheduler
- T353138 – The IndexOutOfRange exception is raised while restoring a default state for recurring exceptions
MVC Spreadsheet
- T359299 – Spreadsheet - It's impossible to change cell selection on a custom callback
ASP.NET Web Forms
- T313815 – UploadControl Demos - "Upload And Submit" demo - Adding and deleting elements into/from the UploadedFilesStorage collection is not thread-safe
- T313017 – ASPxButton - The "Unable to set property 'value' of undefined or null reference" error occurs when calling the client-side SetText method if the UseSubmitBehavior and AllowFocus properties are set to false
- T318414 – ASPxCheckBoxList - The control takes a large amount of time to be rendered if ValueType=Guid
- T311417 – ASPxGridLookup designer is closing on an attempt to add a field via the Retrieve Fields dropdown
- T313923 – ASPxGridLookup with Enabled="False" causes the "SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'currentSelectionState' of undefined or null reference" JavaScript error in IE9
- T315109 – ASPxGridView - An inconsistent translation of certain pager labels (Elements vs Records) in the Russian [RU] localization
- T308944 – ASPxGridView in Endless Paging Mode - Row selection is lost for certain rows when the filter is refreshed
- T318267 – ASPxGridView with the enabled Virtual Scrolling scrolls back to the first page in Chrome
- T316661 – ASPxTextBox - The Size property does not have effect when the Native property is enabled if a bound ASPxGridView is added on a page
- T319250 – DevExpress types are added to the devExpress section in web.config twice when the type attribute value contains white spaces
- T315410 – ASPxHtmlEditor - "Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined" error occurs when a page contains ASPxMenu with EnableCallBacks=true
- T321470 – ASPxHtmlEditor - "Unable to get property 'tagName' of undefined or null reference" error occurs in MS Edge when the control is placed inside ASPxPopupControl
- T337286 – ASPxHtmlEditor - ImageSelector Gallery does not resolve the url path from the upload folder
- T315063 – ASPxHtmlEditor - Quotation marks are not encoded
- T312117 – ASPxHtmlEditor - The FONTSIZE_COMMAND does not work in Edge
- T320212 – 'Cell property LANGUAGE is not supported in that olap version' exception is raised on requesting data from MSAS 2000 SP4 server
- T323317 – XRPivotGrid doesn't completely replicates the layout of the ASPxPivotGrid under certain circumnstances
- T318839 – ASPxRichEdit - Multilevel list indices are duplicated after switching between numbered and multilevel lists several times
- T317495 – ASPxRichEdit - Numbering list formatting is incorrect after attempting to move a part of the list items to the next page (with the Enter key)
ASPxScheduler Suite
- T315685 – ToolTip location is calculated incorrectly after scrolling/zooming the ASPxScheduler page on mobile device browser (Safari)
- T313945 – ASPxSpreadsheet - Control does not respond when the SetFullscreenMode method is called in the client-side Init event handler
- T321282 – ASPxSpreadsheet - The Focus method does not work
- T316132 – ASPxThemeBuilder - Icons aren't displayed for ASPxHtmlEditor if a custom theme is used
All ASP.NET Web Forms products
- T319646 – ASPxReportDesigner loses names of report components on saving the edited report layout (the SaveReportLayout event handler)
- T314413 – Lock in the ASPxClasses.Internal.BrowserInfo.EnsureStateIsActual method makes an application hang
- T315559 – NullReferenceException is thrown on the empty ReportSource
- T318358 – Query Builder - Internal Server Error occurs on dragging a View onto the query design surface
- T314801 – XtraReports - Scrolling is performed with a significant slowdown when a report is previewed in WPF or WinForms
Data Access Library
- T314458 – Data Access Library - InvalidCastException occurs when data is loaded asynchronously
Navigation, Layout & Multi-Purpose Controls
- T315500 – ASPxCardView - Captions and items are aligned incorrectly when the font size is increased
- T319800 – ASPxFileManager - JavaScript error occurs on an attempt to create a new folder in the root directory when SettingsFolders.EnableCallbacks=true
- T321630 – ASPxFileManager - The "Bad request" error occurs in specific cases if two dropbox providers are used
- T318904 – ASPxFormLayout - An empty group item renders unnecessary elements if it has no items
- T320855 – ASPxFormLayout - The AlignItemCaptionsInAllGroups option does not work for layout items in the TabbedLayoutGroup container
- T317630 – ASPxImageZoom - ImageUrl has no effect if AssociatedImageZoomNavigatorID is set
- T318905 – ASPxPageControl - Tabs are narrowed after navigating to another tab and resizing the browser window in Firefox and IE
- T319200 – ASPxPopupControl - A modal popup is hidden behind another one when a nested drop-down editor is selected
- T315573 – ASPxPopupControl - It is impossible to scroll the window using the mouse wheel in IE when the Modal and ShowPageScrollbarWhenModal properties are enabled
- T313483 – ASPxPopupControl - Modal Edit Window is hidden behind ASPxGridView when dropdown is selected
- T313332 – ASPxRibbon - Large items unlike small items are not collapsed to small icons without text when there is not enough space
- T318697 – ASPxUploadControl does not upload files from Outlook DDAddin
XtraCharts Suite
- T319006 – Chart Designer - Data member panel element appearance is incorrect after placing data fields in design mode in certain situations
- T321613 – German translation is missing for the Chart.Designer assembly
- T319900 – The Small Chart message is not displayed when many Pie Series are shown on the chart
- T320051 – There is no capability to obtain localized AppearanceName items
- T318610 – Unable to set dateTimeValues in GanttChart after upgrade to version 15.1.8
- T317337 – Web - The NumericScaleOptions.GridSpacing property is not effective if the NumericScaleOptions.AutoGrid option is disabled
App Frameworks (UI, API, ORM)
.NET ORM Library (XPO)
- T314823 – AsaConnectionProvider - the EndsWith function returns incorrect result if the search pattern occures several times in the string
- T311969 – PostgreSqlConnectionProvider determines a wrong version of the database server in some cases.
- T312307 – PostgreSqlConnectionProvider doesn't set DBColumn.IsIdentity for an auto-incrementing primary key column when reading the schema
- T314949 – The EndsWith function returns incorrect result if the search pattern occures several times in the string
- T311830 – The MySqlConnectionProvider.GetStoredProcedures method returns DbColumnType.Unknown for the LONGBLOB parameter
Cross-Platform .NET App UI (XAF)
- T333187 – ASPxCriteriaPropertyEditor - Lookup editor incorrectly shows some non-latin characters
- T320411 – ASPxTreeListEditor - NullReferenceException after changing the Delete action's SelectionDependencyType in Controller.OnDeactivated
- T317873 – BarButtonItem.Down is not set for the selected ChoiceActionItem with new templates
- T311884 – EnterMoveNextControl and DateTimePropertyEditor do not work
- T314350 – GridListEditor - When AutoFilterRow is enabled, the filter specified for a reference column becomes incorrect after the object space is refreshed
- T321864 – InvalidOperationException is thrown when executing ProcessCurrentObjectAction in a nested many-to-many list view on the Web if the object is not saved with "CollectionEditMode = Edit"
- T343449 – Layout items in the Tabbed Group are displayed incorrectly for the first time
- T332393 – ObjectDisposedException is thrown when the Kpi-Definition detail view is refreshed in certain scenarios
- T356861 – The "Dictionary already contains ClassInfo ..." exception is thrown when opening the XAF application model designer in certain scenarios
- T312728 – The FullTextSearch action does not respond to the Enter key after the Clear button is clicked
- T311246 – UI.Web - A popup window disappears immediately after being shown when ImmediatePostData triggers together with showing the popup
- T319014 – Values in the DetailView are not shown when the ListViewAndDetailView mode is used and DetailView contains an ActionContainerViewItem with more than two Actions
- T313501 – WEB: Report parameter shows complex types in version 15.1
- T283357 – Web - Aggregated detail collection changes are not saved when the CollectionsEditMode = View setting is adjusted for the master DetailView
Business Intelligence
Dashboard for Web Forms
- T316651 – Delta bar column does not show correct values in a tooltip with a web-based solution
- T317225 – Web Pivot Item - Column order is incorrect if there are more than 10 value fields
Dashboard for WinForms
- T316151 – Grid Item - Exception is raised on sorting a Year column by clicking the column header
- T308877 – It is not possible to use an OLAP cube as a datasource for a Dynamic List of parameters
- T319574 – The Data Sources dialog is closed unexpectedly after creating an OLAP data source and saving the connection string to the application configuration file
- T323494 – The Drill Down operation in GridDashboardItem with an OLAP data source causes an exception in some cases
- T318738 – WinForms - Boolean parameters are not shown in the Dashboard Parameters form
- T319092 – “Unhandled Exception box” while managing Object Data Sources in the designer
Data Access Library
- T314458 – Data Access Library - InvalidCastException occurs when data is loaded asynchronously
Report and Dashboard Server
- T315324 – ReportServer fails to obtain the target procedure's schema from an Oracle package under the "SYSTEM" user
Office File API
Excel Export Library
- T316297 – GridControl exports a date to Excel incorrectly when a cell is customized in the XlsxExportOptionsEx.CustomizeCell event handler
Spreadsheet Document API
Reporting for ASP.NET Core
- T315559 – NullReferenceException is thrown on the empty ReportSource
- T314801 – XtraReports - Scrolling is performed with a significant slowdown when a report is previewed in WPF or WinForms
Reporting for MVC
- T317316 – HTML5 Document Viewer - Empty document appears when restoring a document from prnx
- T333012 – Web Report Designer control's menu is not working if multiple designer controls are rendered on the same web page
- T338669 – WebDocumentViewer - Old multi-value parameter value may be submit to a previewed report
Reporting for WPF
- T319060 – DocumentPreviewControl - Certain editors within the Scale dialog are not properly sized
- T315559 – NullReferenceException is thrown on the empty ReportSource
- T314801 – XtraReports - Scrolling is performed with a significant slowdown when a report is previewed in WPF or WinForms
Reporting for Web Forms
- T319646 – ASPxReportDesigner loses names of report components on saving the edited report layout (the SaveReportLayout event handler)
- T315559 – NullReferenceException is thrown on the empty ReportSource
- T318358 – Query Builder - Internal Server Error occurs on dragging a View onto the query design surface
- T314801 – XtraReports - Scrolling is performed with a significant slowdown when a report is previewed in WPF or WinForms
Reporting for WinForms
- T314090 – An exception occurs when changing the XRPictureBox.Image property value in the Designer
- T316520 – GroupHeader is not repeated on every page when a report operates in DownThenAccross multi-column mode
- T315559 – NullReferenceException is thrown on the empty ReportSource
- T354568 – System.NullReferenceException is thrown when a node is dragged and dropped from the standalone DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner.XRDesignFieldList
- T314801 – XtraReports - Scrolling is performed with a significant slowdown when a report is previewed in WPF or WinForms
All WPF products
- T314388 – Banded WPF End-User Report Designer - It's not possible to set the DataSource property value through the UI when the ObjectDataSource is used
- T319060 – DocumentPreviewControl - Certain editors within the Scale dialog are not properly sized
- T316297 – GridControl exports a date to Excel incorrectly when a cell is customized in the XlsxExportOptionsEx.CustomizeCell event handler
- T313435 – Instant Layout Assistant has to be activated twice to insert RibbonControl
- T315559 – NullReferenceException is thrown on the empty ReportSource
- T314801 – XtraReports - Scrolling is performed with a significant slowdown when a report is previewed in WPF or WinForms
DXBars for WPF
- T317132 – GridControl "Printing options" demo crashes when the window size decreases and then is maximized when the export menu is opened
- T312786 – Memory leak occurs when the attached MenuFocusManager.ChildWindowRetainsFocusOnParentBarItemClick property is set to True
- T521130 – NullReferenceException is thrown in the BarSubItemLink.CanOpenMenuCore property in certain scenarios
- T312202 – The Ribbon control does not display three big icons in the same column
DXCharts for WPF
- T390961 – It is impossible to set TooltipHintDataMember using the Chart Designer
- T488595 – Memory leak occurs in ChartControl when exporting it to an image
- T488629 – NumericOptions.Precision is not taken into account when a custom AxisLabel ElementTemplate is used
- T319746 – PrintSizeMode no longer has an effect when printing charts
- T304188 – The Save button does not work in a Chart's Designer in some situations
- T316927 – Unhandled exception occurs when modifying the Series item state in the Legend panel in certain situations
DXControls for WPF
- T320174 – The Seven theme - ScrollBar slider gets an incorrect appearance when the mouse pointer is over it
- T314986 – Visual Studio adds the Startup event handler in App.xaml when the UpdateApplicationThemeName method is used
DXDocking for WPF
- T368390 – An exception is raised when AutoHidePanel is expanded in the MetropolisDark theme
- T336856 – ControlBoxButtonPresenter - The AutomationProperties.AutomationId property value is ignored
- T386970 – DataContext is not restored in non-active DocumentPanels when a layout is changed
- T313174 – DockLayoutManager doesn't properly focus its embedded elements
- T316550 – DockLayoutManager.RestoreLayoutFromStream runs into an endless loop
- T307320 – Empty LayoutGroup doesn't appear in the layout after deserialization even after a panel is added into it
- T316264 – FloatGroup.SizeToContent doesn't work when WindowsFormsHost is used as the root content
- T321533 – Floating DocumentPanel cannot be shown by setting its Closed property to False if it was closed by setting this property to True and the CloseCommand property is used
- T330578 – Floating LayoutPanel's Close button isn't visible after LayoutPanel is docked and becomes floating again if the SizeToContent property is used
- T321024 – LayoutControlItem loses its DataContext after changing a tab within a parent TabbedGroup
- T313185 – Potential issues in the KeyboardFocusHelper class implementation
DXEditors for WPF
- T490811 – ComboBoxEdit's popup selection is cleared when all items were selected and a certain item is unselected
- T325657 – DateEdit's MaxValue and MinValue properties don't prevent moving to an invalid month using arrow keys
- T314058 – The content of each token in the ComboBoxEdit with TokenComboBoxStyleSettings repeats the entire editor's text
- T313846 – TokenCheckedComboBoxEdit doesn't show all deselected items in its popup if these items were deselected via TokenEditor
- T321464 – TokenComboBoxStyleSettings - The Delete button is missing in tokens truncated according to a value in the TokenMaxWidth property if the EnableTokenWrapping property is True
DXGrid and DXTreeList for WPF
- T328978 – Export of GridControl from a separate UI thread throws "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it" exception
- T319524 – After GridControl's context menu is closed, focus is moved to another GridControl
- T354687 – Binding to FieldName conversion does not work for TreeListControl
- T313740 – DefaultSorting doesn't work in WcfInstantFeedbackDataSource in certain cases
- T407031 – GroupRow's indent line doesn't fit into the whole row width when multi-level grouping is applied and rows in groups are shown
- T314934 – InvalidOperationException occurs if the TableView.ShowCheckBoxSelectorColumn property is defined in the window style
- T319082 – NullReferenceException occurs after calling the Clear method of the collection that is used as ItemsSource of TreeListControl
- T318252 – Printing GridControl in Server Mode causes NullReferenceException
- T317359 – TableView's ValidateRow event is raised multiple times when keyboard navigation is used and focus is in the NewItemRow
- T530628 – The AllowCellMerge property produces date update performance issues
- T319892 – The Grid control hangs when it tries to set selection to another grid cell after a validation error
- T315041 – The SelectedItems collection is not erased when the ItemsSource is changed
- T323432 – TreeListView doesn't show its context menu with the Shift+F10 key combination
- T458217 – TreeListView raises an exception when conditional formatting is applied to a column with DBNull.Value values
- T346725 – Vertical separator is shown in TeeListControl after adding bands
DXLayoutControl for WPF
- T319056 – LayoutControl residing in a template does not take into account alignment settings specified at the group level manually
DXPivotGrid for WPF
- T450849 – Conditional Formatting - The SelectiveExpression property does not work
- T345209 – Field values are hidden after the PivotGridControl.BestFit method call
- T419166 – NullReference exception is raised on executing the BestFit method
- T371980 – Scrollbar elements are not hidden after the PivotGridControl size is modified in certain situations
- T321857 – Server Mode - Unchecking the Prefilter option at runtime is not effective
- T391523 – The BestFit(DataField) method does not take cells into account
DXPropertyGrid for WPF
- T322178 – A property of a complex type cannot be edited if the AllowInstanceInitializer property of the corresponding PropertyDefinition is set to False
- T313437 – CollectionDefinition shows undeclared properties after all items are deleted if the PropertyGridControl.AllowExpanding property is set to Force
- T321706 – Incorrect UI behavior when PropertyGrid's AllowExpanding = Force
- T336579 – Property definitions are not correctly generated if SelectedObject is changed when an editor assigned to a nested property that is not present in a new object is active
DXRibbon for WPF
- T311593 – Disabling the MainWindow leads to a crash with DXStyle
- T317458 – Glyph in GalleryItem is blurred when ItemAutoHeight is true
DXRichEdit for WPF
- T316672 – A table imported from the HTML format has an incorrect layout when there are cells that span several columns
- T311581 – Floating Object Layout Dialog always shows absolute size values in inches instead of RichEditControl units
- T360730 – It is impossible to create a binding to the RichEditControl.Unit property
- T312724 – Symbol specified by code in the "Search by code" editor is shown when mouse hovers between symbols in the Symbol dialog's table
- T313980 – The "Reset" button of the Layout Options dialog does not fit its content in the German localization
- T360732 – The 'Measure in' combo box in the 'Table Properties' dialog always displays the 'Inches' unit
DXScheduler for WPF (Legacy)
- T318227 – Binding between ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl and a current SchedulerControl is lost after changing SchedulerControl's visibility (15.1.8)
- T314008 – SchedulerControl operates incorrectly when all items of ResourcesCheckedListBoxControl are unchecked
- T330511 – The OccurrenceCount property value is reset to 10 for the Daily appointment pattern after opening the Appointment Recurrence dialog
- T320776 – The SelectAppointment method does not scroll the Day View area to the selected appointment
Data Access Library
- T314458 – Data Access Library - InvalidCastException occurs when data is loaded asynchronously
MVVM Framework
- T319979 – EnumItemsSourceBehavior splits the Name value defined for the enum item by using DisplayAttribute when the SplitName property is True
Navigation Controls for WPF
- T332790 – NavBarGroup content is not properly measured when NavBarControl is located within LayoutControl
- T319474 – Scroll operation cannot be executed in ExplorerBar and SideBar by using the mouse wheel when the ScrollMode property is set to ScrollBar
PDF Viewer for WPF
- T325382 – Scrolling down while selecting content doesn't work in the PdfViewerControl
Scaffolding Wizards
- T316888 – Scaffolding application navigates to a blank page after deleting an item
All WinForms products
- T314090 – An exception occurs when changing the XRPictureBox.Image property value in the Designer
- T316520 – GroupHeader is not repeated on every page when a report operates in DownThenAccross multi-column mode
- T315559 – NullReferenceException is thrown on the empty ReportSource
- T367803 – RibbonForm - The number of GDI Handles increases after the form was opened and closed several times
- T316727 – SearchControl - Search does not work after clicking an item from the MRU list when the control is located on the toolbar
- T318623 – SkinEditor - Some skin elements are not shown in the HitElements panel
- T354568 – System.NullReferenceException is thrown when a node is dragged and dropped from the standalone DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner.XRDesignFieldList
- T314801 – XtraReports - Scrolling is performed with a significant slowdown when a report is previewed in WPF or WinForms
Data Access Library
- T314458 – Data Access Library - InvalidCastException occurs when data is loaded asynchronously
MVVM Framework
- T319540 – Documentation - Correct the mistake in the Data Bindings and Notifications article
PDF Viewer
- T313082 – Printing - The Preferences button does not work in the print dialog
- T316826 – Only the first datasource is restored for a loaded document if multiple datasources were specified for this document
- T321831 – Regenerate the Chart ribbon tab in the Demo Center to use Run Chard Designer instead of Run Chart Wizard
- T319552 – Several SnapControl options do not provide the default value
XtraBars Suite
- T313771 – A ribbon bar item caption is not wrapped if Ribbon's AllowHtmlText is set to true
- T314271 – AccordionControl - Context buttons set by using the GroupContextButtons property are not visible when the Office 2013 skin is used
- T364625 – BackstageView - Keytips are shown in front of a dialog form
- T689787 – BarMDIChildrenListItem highlights an incorrect item if dock panels are used as tabbed documents
- T312097 – BarManager - A bar edit item caption is truncated
- T314716 – BarStaticItem - Caption is not readable when hovering over it with the mouse in the Office 2010 Black skin in RibbonStatusBar
- T349473 – Bars - The "Cannot access a disposed object" exception is thrown when repeatedly opening the font menus
- T313403 – BreadCrumbEdit - NullReferenceException is thrown after a form is maximized and the mouse cursor is above the control
- T311578 – DockManager - A resize handle is small on high DPI
- T311986 – DockManager - AutoHideContainer throws NullReferenceException if an auto-hidden panel is deleted at design time
- T313736 – DockManager - NullReferenceException is thrown when an auto-hidden panel is open
- T323533 – DocumentRemoved and DocumentClosed events are raised in incorrect order
- T321829 – In version 15.1.8 the defatul BarItem horizontal alignment differs from previous versions
- T314235 – NavigationPane - NullReferenceException is thrown when clicking a navigation tab header twice and setting the State property in the NavigationPane.StateChanged event handler
- T317291 – NullReferenceException occurs when invoking a drop-down menu for a BarButton in a collapsed PageGroup when the OfficeUniversal ribbon style is used
- T377712 – NullReferenceException when clicking a custom group located in QAT after resetting all customizations
- T318087 – OfficeNavigationBar - Font size is too large on high DPI
- T313840 – OfficeNavigationBar is not selected when navigating to a NavigationPage associated with it
- T316987 – PopupMenu - Items are lost when copying a menu from one form onto another at design time
- T318250 – RibbonControl - The application button icon is small on high DPI
- T318819 – RibbonGalleryBarItem does not have a large glyph
- T370493 – StandaloneBarDockControl causes a form to be modified without any changes at design time
- T314470 – UI.Win - Application title not visible in MDI mode using OldTemplates = true
- T312875 – WindowsUIButton - The Click event doesn't fire when a button is added to the buttons collection of a WindowsUIView content container
XtraCharts Suite
- T319006 – Chart Designer - Data member panel element appearance is incorrect after placing data fields in design mode in certain situations
- T321613 – German translation is missing for the Chart.Designer assembly
- T320051 – There is no capability to obtain localized AppearanceName items
- T318610 – Unable to set dateTimeValues in GanttChart after upgrade to version 15.1.8
XtraEditors Library
- T342974 – A RibbonForm is not fully displayed when is docked to a side using the AeroSnap feature
- T312341 – BreadCrumbEdit - Images are not shown in a history drop down
- T318075 – BreadCrumbEdit - SelectedNodeChanged has a wrong node when the node has same name as a higher level node
- T316227 – CameraControl - The Take Picture dialog becomes blank when switching the camera from rear to front on MS Surface Pro 3
- T441613 – ColorPickEdit - A dialog for "More Color..." does not have a proper size on Japanese system
- T331591 – DateEdit - The month caption does not change text when the VistaDateEditCalendar.DateFormat property is set
- T482725 – Inconsistent keyboard handling in ColorPickEdit's popup form.
- T313381 – It is impossible to change a drop-down image of TimeEdit
- T373672 – LayoutControl - Nested controls flicker when resizing
- T320258 – Localization - Mask properties are serialized and added to the RESX file
- T441573 – RepositoryItemRatingControl - There is no way to set a custom rating range
- T313439 – SplashScreenManager - A form flickers if searching does not take much time
- T324096 – TimeEdit - Incorrect selection in in-place mode when GridView.OptionsBehavior.AutoSelectAllInEditor is set to false
- T325453 – XtraTabControl - Tips and SuperTips are not shown for CustomHeaderButtons if HeaderLocation is either Right or Left
XtraGrid Suite
- T313523 – AdvBandedGridView - Images are overlapping group captions when scrolling the View
- T375989 – The grid doesn't show column header hints when ColumnHeaderAutoHeight is set to True
XtraLayout Suite
- T319644 – "The document does not contain any pages" message is shown when the ShowPrintPreview method is called for the second time
- T319702 – LayoutControl - A layout item becomes disabled after the layout is restored
- T436733 – LayoutControl - Custom header buttons stay focused on mouse hovering
- T318953 – LayoutControl - LabelControl has incorrect size on printing
- T320846 – BingSearchDataProvider - Search functionality is not working if the data provider is not attached to InformationLayer
- T351709 – Export to Image does not always work if a custom data provider is used
- T313016 – How to add bubbles with Cartesian coordinates to MapControl
- T316024 – It is impossible to colorize MapPie segments using the DrawMapItem event
- T317517 – Map tiles are displayed incorrectly after the map kind is changed at runtime when the caching option is enabled
- T319984 – The DefaultValue property does not work with a converter
XtraPivotGrid Suite
- T344007 – Data is grouped and shown incorrectly if the TopValueShowOther property is enabled in the low level field
- T347109 – PivotGrid is scrolled to the left on pressing the corresponding arrow key if HorizontalScrolling is set to Control
- T318668 – The AppearancePrint settings are used even if the UsePrintAppearance property is disabled
- T323318 – The GetAvailableValues method does not return the Blank value
XtraPrinting Library
- T318608 – DocumentViewer - DocumentViewer's Cursor property has no effect
- T312126 – XtraReports - A report exported to PDF/A-3 format cannot be correctly validated
- T314096 – NullReferenceException occurs on changing a document by using RichEditDocumentServer if the RichEditDocumentServer.LayoutCalculationMode property is set to Automatic
- T316626 – NullReferenceException occurs on the layout calculation of a specific html document when floating objects are located in a table
- T312695 – Symbols are not completely visible in the Symbol dialog table
- T313205 – System.InvalidCastException is thrown while pasting a table from an MS Excel document in HTML format
- T312438 – The "Update Fields" menu item is shown when opening a context menu for an image
- T316300 – The drag-and-drop feature works incorrectly if the Undo and/or Redo commands are disabled
- T314865 – Update the German translation for the XtraRichEditStringId.FileFilterDescription_OpenDocumentFiles string
XtraScheduler Suite
- T344882 – The AllowAppointmentDragBetweenResources event must not be raised after the AppointmentDrop event
- T317461 – The CommandSourceType parameter of the EditRecurrentAppointmentFormShowing event arguments always returns the Unknown value
- T311935 – The cursor is flickering on checking spelling in grid cells using the SpellChecker component
- T329057 – A long date format is recognized incorrectly in the Format Cells dialog
- T313900 – An application hangs and crashes with OutOfMemoryException on loading a specific document into XtraSpreadsheetControl
- T317247 – ArgumentException is raised while loading XLS documents with invalid header of the OfficeArtDgContainer object
- T313661 – ArgumentNullException is thrown when a user defines a Detail Range if the R1C1 reference style is enabled in a workbook
- T326928 – AutoFilter and Cells range context menus, the Top-10-Filters form and "The formula you typed contains an error" error message are not localized for the German culture
- T318928 – Chart's bars are not rendered correctly if the Axis.BaseTimeUnit property is set to the AxisTimeUnits.Auto enumeration value
- T345017 – Charts - Series with secondary axes are not rendered if one of the axes is of the DateTime data type
- T316394 – Copy worksheet operation - A sheet definition in a cell formula reference to an existing sheet is changed to the target worksheet in v15.1.8
- T319153 – Exception occurs on layout calculation when a column is inserted into the worksheet and WorksheetDisplayArea is changed
- T314313 – Function manager context always refers to the A1 cell
- T328962 – NameBox' font has a smaller size than FormulaBar's font when a non-standard system DPI is used
- T328267 – Provide Russian translations for comment items
- T374665 – Provide Russian translations for non-translated strings in Spreadsheet
- T312046 – SpreadheetControl does not check the number of characters limit in a cell when the cell value is changed by SpreasheetControl API
- T320789 – Spreadsheet - Formula is not parsed correctly when Spanish culture is applied
- T322443 – SpreadsheetControl does not recognize the plus sign in the INDIRECT function's arguments if the R1C1 type of reference is used
- T362707 – SpreadsheetControl moves focus to the Formula bar if an end-user presses Backspace while editing a function in the Function Arguments dialog
- T318327 – The font modified using the SpreadsheetControl API and saved in an XLS file is not displayed in the MS Excel Style Gallery
- T314926 – XtraSpreadsheet - Poor usability on entering cell names
XtraTreeList Suite
- T406741 – The BeforeFocusNode and FocusedNodeChanged events fire when deleting the last data source entry even if the focused node is not changed
- T339155 – TreeList - Cursor is flickering when hovering between column headers or bands
- T317360 – TreeList - FocusedNode is not null when there are no nodes in TreeList
- T319061 – TreeList - The Expand button is displayed closer to a state image with high DPI
- T319311 – TreeList - The TreeListColumn.BestFit method does not take the filter button into consideration
- T319993 – TreeList is scrolled to a focused node each time a new node is added if TreeList is sorted
- T476278 – TreeList shows a button in the Auto Filter Row
- T318335 – TreeListColumns are moved incorrectly after a layout has been restored
XtraVerticalGrid Suite
- T332685 – PropertyGridControl - The Refresh method call closes an active in-place editor