Ticket T446269
Visible to All Users

Using the T418166 in the existing application.

created 8 years ago

[DevExpress Support Team: CLONED FROM T418166: How to use the Allow/Deny permissions policy in the existing project]

I am trying to convert my users to new systems. I reworked my code, but following code returns no objects:

foreach (SecuritySystemUser securitySystemUser in ObjectSpace.GetObjects<SecuritySystemUser>()) { CopyUser(securitySystemUser); } foreach (SecuritySystemRole securitySystemRole in ObjectSpace.GetObjects<SecuritySystemRole>()) { CopyRole(securitySystemRole, null); }

I checked the database, old tables are still populated. Any ideas why this might be happening?

Should this code be run before or after the change to UserType and RoleType?


Show previous comments (7)
Mario Blatarić 8 years ago

    Hi Juan,

    I decided to write an article about migration:How to migrate DevExpress XAF SecuritySystemUser to PermissionPolicyUser

    Hopefully it gets approved soon.


    J J

      Thanks Mario!! it is great!!!

      MB MB
      Mario Blatarić 8 years ago

        You are welcome, Juan.

        I added some more info from this thread related to registering previous types to make article more complete.

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