Ticket Q572336
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Disable New for Reference/Lookup Properties.

Disable the NEW-Button for one LookupView with one Object

created 11 years ago

i would to disable the new-Button in a LookupView programmatically. I now that the Property ICreateableItem disable this Button, but this Property is for all of the same Object. I would to disable the new-button only in one of the LookupViews of the same Object. Who can i do that ?


Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 11 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

Hello Rene,
The easiest "no-code" solution for this task is the following:

  1. Create a clone of the required YourObjectType_LookupListView node via the Model Editor;
  2. Set its AllowNew property to False;
  3. Locate the Views | YourObjectType_DetailView | Items | YourLookupProperty node and set its View attribute to the cloned View;
    I hope this solution meets your needs.

    Other Answers

    created 11 years ago

    Hi Dennis,

    thanks for anwser.
    I have found I code solution. If I cast the ListView.ObjectSpace.Owner as Detailview then I can set the Boollist Property AllowNew[" "] = false. This is smarter and comfortable to set it in a Controller wich it use.

      Comments (1)
      Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 11 years ago

        I am glad to hear of your progress, Rene. This solution also looks fine.

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