I use the base64_encode function (Devexpress.Data). After upgrading, it was marked as an exception - apparently the function is renamed to base64encode, not base64_encode .
OK, not listed in breaking changes, but I will just change it.
But apparently the type def has changed, but the function is still called base64_encode. Please fix.
Hello Dennis,
Would you please clarify what you mean by "the type def has changed" ? I have checked our documentation for version 17.1 and 17.2 and the base64_encode function is still described as "base64_encode(input) " and has the input parameter type string or array of numbers and the string output parameter. Would you please send us some code snippet to illustrate how you are using the function in the latest version. It will make the case clearer. I hope to hear from you soon.
What's that then? A sausage?
Thank you for pointing us to the source code, Dennis.
It looks like an issue in typescript definitions. I've passed this thread to our developers for further research. We will let you know once we have any updates.