I'm displaying a SVG file via a TdxSmartImage, and the character referenced spaces in text in it are coming out as the references rather than the actual character.
i.e. The text "This is the title" is appearing on-screen rather than "This is the title"
I've attached a very simple sample project illustrating this, along with the original SVG file.
Am I missing a setting here, or has something changed in DevExpress itself?
Hello Ian,
Thank you for sharing your sample image. I have reproduced this behavior with it and forwarded this ticket to our developers for research. I hope we will be able to find a solution soon.
Great - thanks Paulo.
Not a critical thing there as in the short term I've got a workaround that loads the SVG file into a TStringList, replaces all character referenced spaces with actual spaces, then saves it back - a bit on the basic side, but it does seem to work. :)