Using a very simple chart with only one point, we customize the labels to show both point name and percent.
When resizing to a smaller size the label is cropped though the chart has enough space to show.
Please look at the below example and I've attached a screenshot which shows two cases.
"size": {
"height": 361,
"width": 219
"legend" : {visible:false},
"series": [
"argumentField": "pointName",
"valueField": "Default",
"label": {
"visible": true,
"position": "inside",
"customizeText": function(arg) {
return arg.argument + " " + arg.percentText;
"dataSource": [
"pointName": "פוליסות עם ריידר",
"Default": 23
Hello Daniel,
I do not know Hebrew, and so am not sure what is wrong with dxPieChart. Would you please point me on the issue with this online example? In addition, specify which behavior you expect.
I've edited the fiddle to be in english.
You can see that the label is trimmed, meaning part of it is outside the screen.
Why isn't it centered?
Thank you for the updated example, Daniel. I have discussed this issue with our R&T team and we found this behavior incorrect. So, we are going to fix it. Once we do this, you will receive an automotive message and be able to download a hot fix.