Since updating I'm finding that the scrollbar on a CheckListBox is not in the correct position. If I click on a blank area of the scrollbar to scrolldown a page the scrollbar does not sit in the correct position.
I'm not using the new scrollbar style just the classic one.
It does position correctly in the Touch mode; but not classic? - which is what I need to use.
Hello Darren,
Would you please describe what actions we need to perform to replicate the issue on our side?
I placed a Checklistbox inside a groupbox and set the anchors to size with the window, load the data before showing the form.
Then when clicking on the area to scroll a page in the listing it does scroll a page; but the scrollbar does not move a full-pages width.
It's most noticeable with about 4-5 pages of data in it.
I've also noticed that with IntegralHeight set to True, when re-opening the form in the IDE the height of the checklistbox has changed, if it's been set to anchor to a groupbox that is also anchoring to the form.
Hello Darren,
Unfortunately, it is still unclear how to replicate the issue on my side. Would you please provide us with a small test project with test data that demonstrates the issue?
It's pretty easy to replicate. Sample attached, just click on the blank area of the scrollbar to scroll down a page which works but the scrollbar position does not reflect the position in the list.
Please take a look at the attached video. Do you mean this behavior? If not, please provide us with yours, where we will be able to see the problem.
Yes thats correct, it appears to work ok in 17.1.x
Thank you for the clarification. I will forward the issue to our developers for the research.