We sometimes experience the data grid header position being slightly out of sync with the grid contents. Usually the difference is approximately the width of the scrollbar. We have seen the issue in both directions- off to the left or right. We have also seen it on both IE11 and Chrome. Using Chrome with this example: https://codepen.io/JustinHuffman/pen/gvXPNG?editors=0010
if you scroll all the way to the right, the alignment is off. Please see the attached screen capture.
Again, we see this in other cases as well, but those may be much more difficult to recreate. Can this be resolved in the next release?
Your example works as shown below on my side. Just to confirm, have I encountered the same issue?
If you scroll fully to the right with Chrome, you should see the misalignment become much larger, as shown in my screen shot. What you have is likely a minor example of the same issue.
Hello Justin,
Would you please provide us with a video to illustrate the main steps to reproduce the issue. I have tried to manipulate with a scroll, but I see the same result as Marion or even the layout without any issues. These steps will help us perform further research. I hope to hear from you soon.
Here is an example of what I see, this misalignment comes when I scroll fully to the right. This issue seems more common when I'm seeing the unnecessary vertical scrollbar referenced in another of my issues. The misalignment also seems to happen when running at 3840x2160 resolution, but not at 1920x1080.
Thank you for providing your screencast. I've noticed that your example uses outdated CSS style sheets of version 17.1.9 which do not correspond to the main script version 17.2.5. With the valid CSS style sheets versions, my attempts to replicate this issue were unsuccessful even on a high resolution monitor. Please try the updated example and see how it works: https://codepen.io/AlexSkorkin/pen/rJKZyO?editors=0010
Hi Alex,
Thanks for catching that. Unfortunately it doesn't resolve the issue, I still see the same behavior. When I drag the horizontal scrollbar all the way to the right the column headers become misaligned by about the width of the scrollbar. Attached is a screen shot.
Hi Justin,
Thank you for the clarification. We need additional time to perform different tests. Please bear with us.
Thank you for your patience. The problem occurs because DataGrid always displays an unnecessary vertical scrollbar on 200 dpi screens. As a result, column headers are not synchronized with a table that renders rows.
I forwarded this scenario to our R&D team for further research. Please bear with us.