I am planning to include Audit Trial in my project but the concern i have is the i dont want to create the collection property for Audit Log in every BO i have. Instead, i was thinking to have a ViewController (of DetailView) type and add a popupaction button to it to invoke the log for any BO.
Could you please guide me on that.
So far I have created the following but not sure how to pop this up.
Visual BasicPrivate Sub ViewAudit_Execute(sender As Object, e As SimpleActionExecuteEventArgs) Handles ViewAudit.Execute
Dim os As IObjectSpace = Application.CreateObjectSpace()
Dim master As Object = os.GetObject(View.CurrentObject)
Dim sess = DirectCast(Me.ObjectSpace, XPObjectSpace).Session
Dim _auditTrail As XPCollection(Of AuditDataItemPersistent)
_auditTrail = AuditedObjectWeakReference.GetAuditTrail(sess, master)
'Dim dv As DetailView = Application.CreateDetailView(os, _auditTrail)
'dv.ViewEditMode = ViewEditMode.View
'e.ShowViewParameters.CreatedView = dv
End Sub