Hi DevExpress-Support,
After adding ValidationAspNetModule component (mannually) I have gap between label and text fileds (see attachment).
How to to remove this gap?
Hi DevExpress-Support,
After adding ValidationAspNetModule component (mannually) I have gap between label and text fileds (see attachment).
How to to remove this gap?
Hello Oleg,
Our research shows that this behavior cannot be corrected in a generic manner with the current WebLayoutManager implementation. Internally, we use the Graphics.MeasureString method to approximately calculate the caption's width. This algorithm is not suitable in case when custom HTML markup is used in captions and there is no simple way to implement it in a general case.
So, I recommend you implement a particular solution at your XAF project level. That is, modify YourSolutionName.Web/Default.aspx markup as follows:
<head runat="server">
<title>Main Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0" />
<style type="text/css">
.Content .Item .Caption
width: 100px !important;
Regardless, our team will take your scenario into account for the future. For instance, it is possible that this behavior will not occur when XAF has a different LayoutManager implementation on the Web based on the ASPxFormLayout component (though I cannot promise any implementation time frames at this time).
Can I make this ticket public?
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The gap occurs after addition the option in RequiredFieldMask "<b><font color="red">*</font></b>" the same as T359882.Without the option there is gap no. And there is no asterisk, too…How to fixed the problem? In order to be asterisks, and there were no gaps?
Thanks for your clarification, Oleg. I am researching this behavior and will get back to you as soon as I can.
I have finished my testing with the XCRM demo, but not yet found differences in the layout structure in both IE and Chrome (see the attached screenshot). It is likely that this behavior is caused by layout customizations on your side.
Would you please attach your problematic test project, so I can research this behavior further?
see video on the SimpleProjectManager demo in the attachment.
Thanks for your video, Oleg! I can replicate this behavior and we will research it further. Please bear with us.