As suggested in T321982 a new ticket concerning the exception "Dictionary already contains class info" which occurs every time I want to open the Xaf-ModelDesigner while working with VS2015.
I was able to reproduce the issue in a sample project which is attached to this ticket (as I'm not allowed to upload the main app). The sample basically contains two solutions.
- The SampleXaf, which mocks the main application.
- The CommonXaf, which mocks a common module.
SampleXaf references CommonXaf in the SampleXaf.Module.csproj as well as in the SampleXaf.Module.Win.csproj. They are referenced by the assemblies located in the SampleXaf.Module folder and were included with the Module-Designer via Drag&Drop. For reproducing I only need to open the SampleXaf, rebuild it and try to open the Model.DesignedDiffs.xaml in SampleXaf.Module.Win. So CommonXaf is only uploaded to be complete.
I've tested this sample on a different machine and it's getting the same error as on my current developer machine.
Thanks in advance.
Hello Daniel.
Thank you for your report and the sample. We have replicated the issue and need additional time to research it. We will update this ticket knce a solution is found.