I have a problem with model editor is in runtime, it uses approximately 40 percent of CPU when model editor opened and it takes about 5 minutes. This problem affects usage of model editor by end user. For example, when user try to add new element to model, model editor is locked and user can not use model editor until CPU is free. According to debugs that I made, there is no problem in form constructor. In another test, I used the following code in application opening process:
C#ITypeInfo tiModelApplication = typesInfo.FindTypeInfo(typeof(IModelApplication));
tiModelApplication.FindMember("Views").AddAttribute(new System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute(false));
And I examine that model doesn’t use CPU and I can add model element as I expected.
I use Xpand.ExpressApp.ModelDifference.ModelDifferenceModule module in my project, but according to my test I don’t see any problem related with that module. In addition, there is 3266 views on model editor. Does this amount cause of this problem? I am waiting for your reply to solve this problem.
I suggest you disable the Linked Nodes feature in the model editor. This can lead to significant acceleration of this editor.
For this, you need to set the ExtendModelInterfaceAdapter.LinksEnabled property value to false in the Main application method.
I hope you find this information helpful. Please keep us informed of your progress.
Thanks so much, is work
I've posted an update on this at http://dennisgaravsky.blogspot.com/2016/04/disablingenabling-linked-nodes-feature.html
I hope you find this feature helpful as well.