Ticket T315236
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We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:

Smart Constructor - Add an ability to initialize properties

Smart constructor template does not consider readonly auto-implemented properties

created 9 years ago

With a class such as this:

public class Account { public string FirstName { get; } public string LastName { get; } public string Kommun { get; } }

I expect the smart constructor template (cc) to offer to create constructor parameters to initialize these three properties.

I would of course expect the template to disregard properties with an inline initializer such as this:

public string FirstName { get; } = "Daniel";

But other auto-implemented readonly properties should be included. After all, there is no other way they can possible be set except through the constructor.

Show previous comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

    You are welcome!

    DR DR
    Daniel Rosenberg 9 years ago

      Please reopen this one, as the supposed duplicate was closed today without the issue described here having been resolved.

      DevExpress Support Team 9 years ago

        Hi Daniel,

        Thank you for the fast update.
        We have already resolved this problem, and I posted an answer in the duplicated ticket (T294233).
        Would you please verify that the new build works well for you?

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